加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于TRANSLINK的月票
我的空间:https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=2A5C533A78E07672www.flickr.com/photos/dengfz2008 picasaweb.google.com/dengfzhttp://519456139.qzone.qq.com 赏 2007-03-10#3 1,713 $0.00 节假日、星期天,不包括星期六。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]幸福四人行......不包括星期六吗?我这星期六都大摇大摆地在用啊,不清楚啊,大汗啊.........点击展开...那你要小心了! More Value in Monthly FareCardsMonthly FareCards provide unlimited travel within the selected zone(s) on weekdays and across all zones on weekends, statutory holidays, and after 6:30pm on weekday evenings. FareCardsAdult Concession Commute Savings* 1 Zone $69$40 $212 Zone$95$353 Zone $130$50 *Savings based on the cost of 20 regular adult cash return trips Plus, On Sundays and Holidays you can use your FareCard and take five others with you for free. A total of six: Two adults (14 and older) and up to four children (13 and under) ride on a single Adult FareCard, West Coast Express 28-Day Pass, or Annual Employer Transit Pass (does not apply to Concession Passes). Note: A child can be substituted for one adult passenger http://www.translink.bc.ca/Transportation_Services/Fares_Passes/fare_pricing.asp
mywill 说:那你要小心了! More Value in Monthly FareCardsMonthly FareCards provide unlimited travel within the selected zone(s) on weekdays and across all zones on weekends, statutory holidays, and after 6:30pm on weekday evenings. FareCardsAdult Concession Commute Savings* 1 Zone $69$40 $212 Zone$95$353 Zone $130$50 *Savings based on the cost of 20 regular adult cash return trips Plus, On Sundays and Holidays you can use your FareCard and take five others with you for free. A total of six: Two adults (14 and older) and up to four children (13 and under) ride on a single Adult FareCard, West Coast Express 28-Day Pass, or Annual Employer Transit Pass (does not apply to Concession Passes). Note: A child can be substituted for one adult passenger http://www.translink.bc.ca/Transportation_Services/Fares_Passes/fare_pricing.asphttp://www.translink.bc.ca/Transportation_Services/Fares_Passes/fare_pricing.asp点击展开... 看清楚了,记下了,不会再犯错误了!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]幸福四人行......那你要小心了! More Value in Monthly FareCardsMonthly FareCards provide unlimited travel within the selected zone(s) on weekdays and across all zones on weekends, statutory holidays, and after 6:30pm on weekday evenings. FareCardsAdult Concession Commute Savings* 1 Zone $69$40 $212 Zone$95$353 Zone $130$50 *Savings based on the cost of 20 regular adult cash return trips Plus, On Sundays and Holidays you can use your FareCard and take five others with you for free. A total of six: Two adults (14 and older) and up to four children (13 and under) ride on a single Adult FareCard, West Coast Express 28-Day Pass, or Annual Employer Transit Pass (does not apply to Concession Passes). Note: A child can be substituted for one adult passenger http://www.translink.bc.ca/Transportation_Services/Fares_Passes/fare_pricing.asp点击展开...根据上面的描述那么就是说月票也可免费带人乘车了? 第一次听说一点不知道此事.
ChristinaGuo 说:不包括星期六吗?我这星期六都大摇大摆地在用啊,不清楚啊,大汗啊.........点击展开...我就是大摇大摆地献了一次丑才知道的 ,当时还没带够零钱,正要下车,司机一招手,next time,赦免了。回程赶紧先换零钱。
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