加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息朋友?有?到呃?case??
I passed the knowledge test today. My driving licence's number is different from my HK passport number. My chinese driving licence's no.is same as 港澳居民往大?通行赞 no.,but my HK passport no. is my HK ID . The ICBC said they need sent my driving licence to XXX center for investigation,they will call me after 3 weeks telling me the result and I can't drive until receive they call if the licence is ok.Have somebody try this before? Thanks!I'm waiting eagerly for 5 level road test now!What shall I do?
回复: 朋友?有?到呃?case??你没有HK driving licence?
试一试有没有签名。回复: 朋友?有?到呃?case??等吧,这个情况很正常,和他们解释清楚。大陆的驾照号码是和本人id一致的,大陆居民是身份证,港澳居民是回乡证,台湾居民是台胞证。
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