加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?
暂住 vancouver回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070809/vancouver_shooting_070809/20070809?hub=TopStories
http://bbs.myboyan.com/index.php?x=724327回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?Targeted hitEight people shot at least two dead at Fortune Happiness Restaurant on East BroadwayJeff Lee, Vancouver SunPublished: Thursday, August 09, 2007In what Vancouver police say is likely the worst mass shooting in the city's history, two masked gunmen burst into an eastside all-night Chinese restaurant and shot eight people in front of horrified onlookers. At least two people died and a third person was taken to hospital in critical condition, according to Const. Howard Chow, a VPD spokesman. Five others were also taken to hospital with gunshot wounds but were not as seriously wounded.The shooting occurred at around 4:30 a.m. at the Fortune Happiness Restaurant at 654 East Broadway, in Vancouver's Mount Pleasant district.Chow said about 15 or 16 people were in the restaurant, including two groups sitting at two tables, when the two men entered through the front door and deliberately targeted one of the groups.Eight people were hit - four men and four women - and a ninth person escaped unharmed. Vancouver shootingGlobal NewsEmail to a friendPrinter friendlyFont: Although police are not yet saying if the shooting is linked to drugs or gangs, Deputy Chief Bob Rich said it had all the hallmarks of a gang shooting.Rich sought to calm fears that the gunmen had escaped and now pose a threat to the city, saying it was a targeted attack and that the general public is not at risk. But he also said it was the worst mass shooting he can recall, and he blamed it in part on the explosion of weapons on city streets. "Obviously, this is one of the most heinous ones that we've come across," Rich said. "It fits with the proliferation of these kinds of weapons in our city. We have had shootings in restaurants like this a couple of other times, but not one where I can remember as many people were hit. This is one of the worst shootings we've had in Vancouver."Chow said police received a rash of 9-11 calls at around 4:30 a.m. and arrived to a scene of mayhem. "When our members arrived, as you can imagine it was very chaotic. We had tables that were overturned, chairs that were overturned, a number of victims that had been shot and we had some frantic witnesses that needed to be dealt with," he said.Several people sitting at another table who witnessed the attack were taken down to the police station for interviews. The gunmen appear to have fled out the back door.Police cordoned off the entire lane and were scouring it for evidence.Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who was travelling in the Northwest Territories today, said he was greatly concerned by the Vancouver shootings."I don't have all the details in terms of exactly who was shot. But obviously if there are any innocent bystanders that obviously concerns us deeply," he told reporters."Frankly, this constant increase we've seen in the major centres - not just major centres but particularly the major centres - in gun, gang and drug crime is a big concern to this government."We have two important pieces of legislation before Parliament. One bill - Bill C-10 - would establish mandatory prison sentences for serious gun crimes. And another - Bill C-35 - would end the revolving door for bail, it would reverse the onus on bail for those charged with gun crimes."These reforms have been demanded by police, by prosecutors, by big city mayors, by provincial governments of all stripes. And yet they are being held up by the Liberal majority in the unelected Senate."David Morrish, a neighbor, said he was woken up by the sound of multiple gunshots early in the morning. He said he walks by the restaurant daily, and only yesterday noted that a cardboard sign had been placed in the window noting that the restaurant "now" had security cameras."There was a sign put up just yesterday that said security cameras were just installed," he said. "It was on a piece of cardboard on that door that has been shot out so I am assuming the people there knew there was going to be trouble."Forensic investigators clad completely in white jumpsuits took over the investigation and were collecting evidence. Chow said he couldn't confirm whether video cameras recorded the shooting.He would not reveal the sex or ages of the two people killed, or how many guns were used or number of shots fired, saying all of that is being withheld by investigators as "holdback material" to assist in their investigation. Rich used the shooting as an opportunity to press for more funding for officers, saying he's concerned about the level of violence on Vancouver's streets.The police department has been asking for more money to hire more gang squad officers, something he said would help take the edge off organized crime. He said the gang squad has been successful in seizing a number of weapons.But the reality is that Vancouver now is flooded with guns, including high-quality weapons, that have been smuggled into from the United States. "We are seizing almost a gun a day off the streets of Vancouver, and that is a huge change from the days when I was allowed to go out on the street as a cop," Rich said."That's something that really does concern us."Rich said the department has sent out a squad of officers to canvass the neighborhood and look for evidence.It is unclear how many shots were fired, but the front door of the restaurant was shattered, either by bullets or by patrons in their rush to escape from the gunfire.There is also a large bullet hole in one front window.The shooting shut down the heavily-travelled Broadway corridor for several hours, and at one point police cordoned off the entire block from Fraser to Carolina, and from Broadway to E. 10th. Shortly before 8 a.m. they began letting traffic back on to [email protected]
回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?上午十点多经过现场,警察正在解除封锁中,交通仍然受阻,记者成群。
回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?咋回事儿呢?在中餐馆呀?可怕。。。
天空没有留下痕迹,但我已飞过...... [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?据说是帮派斗争
回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?有人偷我白菜我叫人去抢回来就这么点事情
本人亲自找女朋友,欢迎联系回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?这点事也要人命啊!
回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?中国的报道:我的手机报。加拿大温哥华东区一家中餐馆9日发生枪击案,两名枪手持枪冲入位于东百老汇街上的中餐馆“fortune happiness”,开枪扫射,造成2人死亡,6人受伤。中国驻温哥华总领馆工作人员表示目前无法确认死伤者中是否有中国公民。
回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?老百姓扯不上D。。。。。。。。
诚征女主申 QQ :44538237 [email protected] 武汉移加QQ群:37036291 江城红枫回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?够狠,是不是餐馆没交保护费啊!
回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?恐怖 温东听说帮派很多 菲律宾人、越南人+一少部分中国人,搞毒品、枪支(这里没中国人)
万水千山总是情 加点声望行不行回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?温东治安是不是很乱啊?
回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?温东治安是不是很乱啊?点击展开...全大温好像就温东乱 你去温东走走看 又脏又乱
万水千山总是情 加点声望行不行回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?去看过了,觉得很乱.
回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?满地是垃圾 人们对您的态度也不怎么第
万水千山总是情 加点声望行不行回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?ai
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?好好的不在国内呆着出去瞎折腾
回复: 谁知道温东昨天枪击是怎么回事?那个餐馆是帮派的聚集地杀手是熟人,所以带着面具被杀的都是警察局的熟客,老百姓不必担心我住在温东,温东乱也要看地方,主要是集中在HASTING的那边,当然BROAD WAY也是很繁华.这里是什么事都报,国内是什么都不报.没什么大不了.
·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层