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人生不过是行走的影子回复: wear pink今天是特殊日子?

回复: wear pinkWhy?...

回复: wear pinkbullying Stops你们莫有孩子所以不晓得

人生不过是行走的影子回复: wear pinkztSTOP BULLYING NEWS - February 22, 2008 Wear Pink to Work on February 27, 2008 Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter sent today from CUPE BC President Barry O'Neill to all CUPE local presidents asking them to support this CKNW campaign which was initiated on the Christy Clark Show.LETTER from CUPE BC President Barry O'NeillFebruary 19, 2008 TO: ALL CUPE BC LOCALSDear Sisters and Brothers:RE: STOP BULLYING/PINK T-SHIRT CAMPAIGNBullying is increasingly being recognized as a serious problem in our schools, workplaces and in society. At work, personal harassment and bullying undermine the self-esteem and dignity of individuals and creates a hostile or offensive work environment.Besides being destructive to worker health, it also has a negative impact on our ability to provide quality public services. Many of you have identified that this is a problem in CUPE workplaces and the first step is awareness.Two incredible high school students from the province I grew up in, Nova Scotia, one day stood up for a classmate that was bullied because he wore pink to school. How did they do it? They organized. They encouraged everyone to wear pink t-shirts to school to stamp out bullying and before they knew it, high schools all across the province were wearing pink to school and their story has received international attention.Let’s organize in the same way. I’m encouraging all CUPE locals and members to join CKNW’s “BULLYING STOPS HERE” campaign on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 by wearing pink to work on that day. Encourage your children, friends and neighbours to do the same!CUPE BC will be establishing a photo-gallery of CUPE members wearing pink to work. Please forward your photos and stories to Communications Representative Diane Kalen at [email protected] or you may call her directly at 604-291-1940.In Solidarity,Barry O'NeillPresidentCUPE BC DivisionBON/LWCOPE-15

回复: wear pinkzt STOP BULLYING NEWS - February 22, 2008 Wear Pink to Work on February 27, 2008 Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter sent today from CUPE BC President Barry O'Neill to all CUPE local presidents asking them to support this CKNW campaign which was initiated on the Christy Clark Show. LETTER from CUPE BC President Barry O'Neill February 19, 2008 TO: ALL CUPE BC LOCALS Dear Sisters and Brothers: RE: STOP BULLYING/PINK T-SHIRT CAMPAIGN Bullying is increasingly being recognized as a serious problem in our schools, workplaces and in society. At work, personal harassment and bullying undermine the self-esteem and dignity of individuals and creates a hostile or offensive work environment. Besides being destructive to worker health, it also has a negative impact on our ability to provide quality public services. Many of you have identified that this is a problem in CUPE workplaces and the first step is awareness. Two incredible high school students from the province I grew up in, Nova Scotia, one day stood up for a classmate that was bullied because he wore pink to school. How did they do it? They organized. They encouraged everyone to wear pink t-shirts to school to stamp out bullying and before they knew it, high schools all across the province were wearing pink to school and their story has received international attention. Let’s organize in the same way. I’m encouraging all CUPE locals and members to join CKNW’s “BULLYING STOPS HERE” campaign on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 by wearing pink to work on that day. Encourage your children, friends and neighbours to do the same! CUPE BC will be establishing a photo-gallery of CUPE members wearing pink to work. Please forward your photos and stories to Communications Representative Diane Kalen at [email protected] or you may call her directly at 604-291-1940. In Solidarity, Barry O'NeillPresidentCUPE BC Division BON/LWCOPE-15点击展开...嘿嘿。。。你动作真快的

人生不过是行走的影子回复: wear pink女儿穿着上学了.

回复: wear pink我今天早上突然决定想穿粉色,结果在MALL里就有个西人LADY指着我对其他两个朋友说,今天应该穿成这样,哈哈.PINK DAY!

回复: wear pink那没粉色的衣服怎么办?? 我的衣服不是黑的就是咖啡的,就是姜黄的,从来没颜色鲜艳点的。 就结婚的时候有见大红大红的,要不就背上那件了。

回复: wear pink把黑的染红了.

回复: wear pink把黑的染红了.点击展开... 俺想过了,反正结婚用的红色衣服也没法穿出去的,就把那件衣服用颜料涂点白的,一定能成粉红色。

回复: wear pink男孩子呢?也穿粉衣服?

人生不过是行走的影子回复: wear pink是啊

回复: wear pinkI'm wearing pink today, but It's kind like coincidence.

我们是永远不变的――永远的年轻,永远的热泪盈眶。I'm wearing pink today, but It's kind like coincidence.点击展开...你是蓝的还是绿的?? 在我的印象中,应该是个蓝地。可是蓝的穿粉红的真的好难接受。

回复: wear pink你是蓝的还是绿的?? 在我的印象中,应该是个蓝地。可是蓝的穿粉红的真的好难接受。点击展开...是哦。。。如果是小孩子还没有什么啦。。。如果是成年人,好像那个。。。嗯。。。总之我属于比较落后的。。。

人生不过是行走的影子男孩子呢?也穿粉衣服?点击展开...前天专门给我儿子买了一件PINK T SHIRT,,,,,小子回来解释半天,,,,,

回复: wear pink哈哈,我喜欢!

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