加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息比较美国、加拿大


===转帖===We've lived in the US for 15 years. I used to love the US..., but after Bush won the second election, I wanted out of there, because you could feel the changing atmosphere there. I'm happy to be a Canadian landed immigrant. We've only been here for one year now, but I like it here, because it really isn't that much different from the US I used to love. There are a few things I miss from the US, but still wouldn't trade living here for going back to the US... nope, I wouldn't, even after another president gets elected. I've made a list of the pro's and cons and the similarties of the US and Canada. Here it goes:USA:Pro's:- The convenience of some stores being open 24/7- US mail is way faster than Canada post- Airline tickets are cheaper from the US than from Canada- The US $ is accepted everywhere- Cellphone bills include caller id, an all the extra's, whereas you have to pay for each of those extra's here seperately- Americans tend to be more strict with rules, which can be annoying at times, yet work to your advantage too. Canadians are too lenient. I'm trying to say that Americans behave more professionally in a work environment, which is probably also due to their fear of getting sued, because it seems Americans are always ready to jump at each other's throat...- It's true, in the US you do get the sense that dreams can come true..., but this is true anywhere, you just get the feeling that the possibility is higher in the US, because of all the movies that are based on Americans who have made their dreams come true- The US does give the impression of being the richest country in the world, despite their huge debt... Luxury is everywhere throughout America. - Netflix- Satellite subscriptions are better Cons:- Bush (enough said)- Generally speaking, people are too snobby, uptight, competitive, ignorant, angry- Racist (immigrants generally don't feel welcome there anymore)- The atmosphere got soured (heightened sense of paranoia)Canada:Pro's:- Naturally beautiful! Beautiful landscapes and wildlife- Calm and relaxed atmosphere- People are so laid back and tolerant, caring, helpful, open, funnier and hornier (lol) than the Americans- Maybe a tad behind the Americans, but Canada is just as rich and luxurious as the US, although I think more so in the bigger cities than the smaller cities.- Canada really does have a better image in the world than the US. Many countries and people are recentful towards the US.- Canadian news channels are way better and more informative- Vancouver! The most beautiful city on Earth! Cons:- Canada post (aargghh, no mail on Saturdays?? Super slow!)- Canflix (sucks compared to Netflix)- Cellphone bills higher- Airline tickets more expensive- No Dish Network or Direct TVSimilarities:- Both are beautiful, rich countries- Both have a big mixture of cultures- Both have great education (Canadian education might be slightly better, but US Universities are probably better than Canadian? Correct me if I'm wrong)- Both countries are so alike, yet slightly different. I love both countries, but Canada wins for me, because of the people and the relaxed atmosphere here and the natural beauty of Canada! So please quit the bashing and start loving... Oh, one more pro for the US: Bruce Willis, the hottest male I've ever seen! PEACE (something that's elusive in the US lately?)

回复: 比较美国、加拿大看来作者不怕冷~

走过岁月我才发觉世界多不完美,成功或失败都有一些错觉。。回复: 比较美国、加拿大What will that guy say after he goes to Europe?不妨把所有国家都比较一遍,美国,加国,中国,欧洲,日本,澳洲,新西兰,中东,非洲大家好像很少对南美感兴趣,以前和一个巴西人聊过天,那人说巴西的桑巴舞看起来很热情,但其实巴西人很排外。

问君能有几多愁?恰似满仓中石油!回复: 比较美国、加拿大作者的老婆肯定从他的身上也发现不少Pro's and Cons!

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