如果我有一个表格AAA里有A 40,B 30,C 40 。。。(这些数据是乱编的,只是为了说明我的问题。 另外一个表格BBB里有A 5,H 50。。(H 50表示东西是AAA表格里没有的) 然后想产生一个新的查询,或者产生另外一个新表, 里面的内容要是把AAA表格里的数字减掉BBB表格里有的东西 CCC--新查询,或者新表格: A 35, B 30, C 40 (也就是AAA表格里有的东西,B表格里也有的东西要减一下,出来新的结果,而BBB里面有的,AAA里面没有的数据就不用减了)
回复: 请教ACCESS高手。磕头重谢。 另外加重商---我把我所有的衣服马甲一起给你加分分,可以有1W5000分以上吧---还是保守估计。 回答问题的同志,可以把你回答问题的时候的声望写在这里,等我恢复了加分能力,一定马上给加上。
回复: 请教ACCESS高手。个人感觉加一个excel进去比较好做一些~

10,085 $0.00 回复: 请教ACCESS高手。把access文件和excel文件link起来。。。评论

回复: 请教ACCESS高手。俺已经习惯在ACCESS里做数据库了。没它,我就干不了事情。 感觉ACCESS的查询,管理功能比EXCEL强大。点击展开...查询部分用access做。。。运算部分用excel。。。

回复: 请教ACCESS高手。Table Name: AAA & BBBField Name: Name & Number AAA BBBName | Number Name | NumberA 40 A 5B 30 H 50C 40 select a.name,iif(isnull(b.number)=0,a.number-b.number,a.number) as ccc from AAA as a left join BBB as b on a.name=b.name=> Name | NumberA 35B 30C 40 done
回复: 请教ACCESS高手。Table Name: AAA & BBBField Name: Name & Number AAA BBBName | Number Name | NumberA 40 A 5B 30 H 50C 40 select a.name,iif(isnull(b.number)=0,a.number-b.number,a.number) as ccc from AAA as a left join BBB as b on a.name=b.name => Name | NumberA 35B 30C 40 done
回复: 请教ACCESS高手。Table Name: AAA & BBBField Name: Name & Number AAA BBBName | Number Name | NumberA 40 A 5B 30 H 50C 40 select a.name,iif(isnull(b.number)=0,a.number-b.number,a.number) as ccc from AAA as a left join BBB as b on a.name=b.name => Name | NumberA 35B 30C 40 done

回复: 请教ACCESS高手。Table Name: AAA & BBBField Name: Name & Number AAA BBBName | Number Name | NumberA 40 A 5B 30 H 50C 40 select a.name,iif(isnull(b.number)=0,a.number-b.number,a.number) as ccc from AAA as a left join BBB as b on a.name=b.name => Name | NumberA 35B 30C 40 done
回复: 请教ACCESS高手。今天的分分还不能加。
回复: 请教ACCESS高手。Sorry I could not input Chinese from my office computer.Here is the solution:1. Create table AAA and table BBB Table Name: AAA Field Name Data Type ------------ ----------- name text number number Primary Key: name same structure for table BBB2. Create a query named CCC In query design view, link AAA.name and BBB.name, right click the link, select join properties, select "2. Include all record from 'AAA' and only those record from 'BBB' where the joined fields are equal. In the design form, type the following: (column 1) (column 2)Field: name Expr1: IIf(BBB.number, AAA.number-BBB.number, AAA.number)Table: AAA (If you select SQL view from the Tool bar on the left corner, you will see the SQL statement look like this: SELECT AAA.name, IIf([BBB].[number],[AAA].[number]-[BBB].[number],[AAA].[number]) AS Expr1FROM AAA LEFT JOIN BBB ON AAA.name = BBB.Name
回复: 请教ACCESS高手。Sorry I could not input Chinese from my office computer.Here is the solution:1. Create table AAA and table BBBTable Name: AAAField Name Data Type------------ -----------name textnumber number Primary Key: name same structure for table BBB 2. Create a query named CCCIn query design view, link AAA.name and BBB.name, right click the link, select join properties, select "2. Include all record from 'AAA' and only those record from 'BBB' where the joined fields are equal. In the design form, type the following:(column 1) (column 2)Field: name Expr1: IIf(BBB.number, AAA.number-BBB.number, AAA.number)Table: AAA(If you select SQL view from the Tool bar on the left corner, you will see the SQL statement look like this: SELECT AAA.name, IIf([BBB].[number],[AAA].[number]-[BBB].[number],[AAA].[number]) AS Expr1FROM AAA LEFT JOIN BBB ON AAA.name = BBB.Name
人生何处不相逢,与人为善,乐事也! 赏
回复: 请教ACCESS高手。不能帮楼主,也没注意现在问题解决了吗 ,但是建议楼主可以在http://www.officefans.net/cdb/ 这里面发贴子去问,这里面荟萃了很多精英。给点分分意思意思啦,我也是提供信息的人那,呵呵!
·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题