求助! In steps of 是什么意思?
在加拿大 我们的产品是钢材,关于产品尺寸,客户是这样写的: Demension: Ф 450 mm in production length,in steps of 10mm 这里 in steps of 10mm 是什么意思啊? 评论 跟着10mm 啥啥啥的, 要么instead of 打错。 看有...华人论坛
在加拿大 我们的产品是钢材,关于产品尺寸,客户是这样写的: Demension: Ф 450 mm in production length,in steps of 10mm 这里 in steps of 10mm 是什么意思啊? 评论 跟着10mm 啥啥啥的, 要么instead of 打错。 看有...华人论坛
在加拿大 Stairs Steps (shanxiblack) 140*40*3cm - (surface, 2 short, 1 long side polished with flamed strip by long side) 请问这里的长边加工抛光后又 with flamed strip 是什么意思,xdjm们帮帮忙说下 评论 帮帮忙啊!!!!!...华人论坛
在加拿大 烦请高手帮我翻译下,我是手袋厂的,产品是手袋,今早收到邮件,不知道这顾客是在询问什么内容? 谢谢 what are the steps: cm = 10 items total + shipping to italy? 评论 什么样的步骤? LZ还是再...华人论坛
在加拿大 Steps vessels 一般是怎么翻译呢???谢谢了 评论 翻译成“分步转运”,不知可否? 评论 是分批运输吗?这个是非英语国家的客户吧?分批运输英文是: partial shipment. 转运是: transshi...华人论坛
在加拿大 开学了,新学期(10年级)好忙,早上6点半起来,作业要做到晚上10点。还要练琴,吉他,萨克斯,再加上体育活动。而且长大了,也开始思考将来的方向。钢琴“Two Steps From Hell - Vict...华人论坛
在加拿大 How to delete a cash app account? Is there any glitch in using the Cash app account? For all these queries, you can rely on a cash app support team that provides around the clock help to the users. Contact the techies for fixing glitches cas...华人论坛
在加拿大 This is the procedure followed by immigrants who have successfully settled in Manitoba as provincial nominees. 10 STEPS to apply to the Manitoba PNP Learn about Manitoba Read the information in the Before you apply section about jobs, societ...华人论坛
在加拿大 8.1 Receiving the applicationWhen an application is received, the officer checks the following 6 requirements:1. IMM 0008 GEN form, signed and completed2. The visa being applied for is specified (permanent resident visa).3. The class of the...华人论坛
在加拿大 by: Hamilton Bradshaw.We all want to get on in life and move our career forward as quickly as possible and that often means being able to stand out from the rest of the crowd. But in such competitive times that can be a lot harder then it so...华人论坛
在加拿大 这帐号原是我老公 我用他的帐号 因为自己刚刚申请的不能发帖 我对配偶移民不大熟悉 也不清楚把握有多少 希望大家帮帮忙 给我一下意见和指引 说一下我们情况:我和我老公是3年多前...华人论坛
在加拿大 10 Steps to Buying Auto InsuranceIntroductionThe following simple steps will help you determine how much car insurance you need to carry. And it will also help you get the best coverage at the lowest price. If you are confused about any of t...华人论坛
在加拿大 Baby Steps to Weight Loss, Part 2 奇异果有金果和绿果两种,黄金奇异果混合了哈密瓜、水蜜桃等热带水果的香气,口感较绿果香甜,绿果则甜中带酸。奇异果不论金绿,都含有丰富的维生素...华人论坛