加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Five Steps to Get Your CEO to Notice You


by: Hamilton Bradshaw.We all want to get on in life and move our career forward as quickly as possible and that often means being able to stand out from the rest of the crowd. But in such competitive times that can be a lot harder then it sounds.There is never any shortage of keen and experienced operators and in a large organisation getting yourself noticed can be tough. However, if you think your career is stalling then there are key steps you can take for your managers to notice you.Show commitmentOne of the key qualities employers always look for in their staff is commitment and drive. Every boss wants people who are willing to put in the extra effort rather than deal with individuals who are looking to do the minimum needed to get by. That does not necessarily mean working the longest hours in the office but what it does mean is the ability to go that extra mile when necessary. Make sure that every task given to you is done on time and to the standards expected and wherever possible beyond.Be enthusiasticHaving the right attitude towards work can go a long way towards getting yourself noticed. As a manager it can be frustrating and draining to have to constantly remind people about outstanding work and missed deadlines. Having the right attitude and a genuine enthusiasm for your work is not only good on an individual basis - it can also create a positive atmosphere in the office.Show initiativeIt can make all the difference to a manager or company owner when they have a member of staff who does not have to be told every step of the way what work needs to be done. One great way to stand out in the workplace is to show a little initiative and put yourself forward for tasks or important jobs before they are allocated. Don’t be afraid to speak out if you have a good idea. The idea might not be acted on but it still demonstrates that you are creative in your thinking.Speak upIt is no good being ambitious if you don’t tell anyone about your ambitions. If you are good at your job bosses might assume that you are happy in your current role and not looking for a promotion or a change. When the time is right, ask for a private chat with your manager and tell him or her exactly how you feel. Bosses are not mind-readers and there is nothing wrong with letting them know about your hopes and plans for your future career.Be adaptableBe prepared to be adaptable, a position may become available that you had not considered before but may be a route towards promotion or advancement. Alternatively it is possible you have progressed as far as you are going to go in your current job or your manager may not consider you a suitable candidate for promotion. If this is the case the time might have come to look for a new job with another employer. There is no point in staying put if you are not going anywhere. A career should always be moving forward and you should be looking for a promotion every 18 months to two years.

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