十六个常备口语topic!!!1/Describe your best friend.How you knew each otherHow you became friendsHow you spend time together Explain why he/she is your best friend Well, I’d like to tell you one of my best friends, called Mr. Yao Wenxuan. He is my workmate. After graduation from university in 1996, we were dispatched to the same bureau. Though we didn’t know each other before, we nearly have the same interest and dream. Firstly, we both like English study and go to English corner every week. In my heart, reading for a high degree abroad is my best wish, he seems has the same plan. You know, it is very scarce to meet such person in a nation owned company. Secondly, we are both very professional in computer network. There were many network projects in those years, so we worked hard together and successfully finished all the tasks. He said that working with me could excite lots of inspiration. So we often discuss questions together and enjoy the pleasure of friendship.How do you spend time together? In our spare time, we often drink coffee in some coffee shops. We talk much about life experience, working problems and personal plan. Also, the stadium is a most place our visiting. We play tennis, badminton there. We both believe friendship give us much value.Why he is your best friend? I think maybe there are some obvious causes. Firstly, we have the same hobbies and struggling object, such as English study and the plan of going abroad. Secondly, we can do best together in computer construction and research job. Furthermore, the similar education background and personal characters provide us lots of conversation topics. We can find some common views when we talk about the cases. Describe your job contents? Ok. My duty is computer network construction and maintaining. There is an urban wide computer network in your company, covering all the section telecom bureaus in this city. This network provides many services for customs. I watch the network states from the monitors and work hard when some thing unusual happens, such as network traffic blocks, the abnormal system shutting down or othersoftware or hardware alarms. (付费系统 payment system,业务受理:service reception system, central call system)What is the difference in the requirements you had for making friends when in childhood and now? Of course, it is quite different. When we were children, any boys or girls who could play with us very well would become our best friends. When we grew up, making friends involves too much concern. When we have a chance, we often ask ourselves, Can I trust him? What kind of man he would be? Does he share the same opinion in the company’s decision? If my new friend is a beautiful girl, I also worry about my wife’s feeling. Is it an easy thing to make friends now? I think making friends is not an easy thing. In modern society, I find that people are more and more difficult to trust others. Too much conflict of interest congests the gap among each other. Making a close friend in the company is almost impossible. How to change such situation? It is hard to say. I think the cultivation of common trust is quite urgent. Only each of people could not doubt others’ kindness intention any more, can we more easily trust people nearby and then make friends with them. 你喜欢和什么样的人做朋友?I hope he would be honest, straightforward, and warmhearted. 你觉得从网上认识朋友有什么好坏? Well, I believe Internet is a good way for making friends. In fact, the main function of Internet is enlarging people’s communication. Making friends on the Net is much easy and free. There are no national boundaries, language barriers, gender concerns and age difference. So I think it is a good way of finding and making friends. However, young people, especially children, must be more alert about net-friends. It was reported that many cheaters are committing crime through Internet and some innocent young people became the victims. 2/Describe the trip you took some time ago.When you took itHow you got thereWhat you saw thereExplain why you liked it.It’s a good topic. I can definitely tell you that the most impressive trip is my two weeks traveling in United Kingdom. I attended an international telecommunication conference in U.K in 2001 so I have chance to visit this famous kingdom. Because my travel is only 2 weeks, so we nearly moved from one city to anther everyday. First, I arrived London and settled in Paragon Hotel. I visited most of famous sites, including London Tower, Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace. The guards changing in this palace gave me good impression. In the later days, I visited York, Bath, New Castle, Glasgow, Windermere, Manchester, Liverpool, Cardiff, Oxford, Winsor and so on. Many cathedrals, churches scatter all the cities of U.K. People in Britain are very polite and warm-hearted. I met a very interesting thing in this polite nation. When I stood beside the door of a gift shop on the Princes Street in Edinburgh, a lady saw me when she stepped out of it, she thought I want to entered. Then she said to me very politely: “You first”. I am very surprised about it, then response quickly,” Thank you very much, I am just wait for some one. It is very kind of you!” Why do you like it? Because this trip was quite different and I experienced many fresh things. In Britain, I can see the best relationship between the nature and the human. In my album, a photo taken in the famous Lake District can show it. That photo was taken on the bank of a lake by a British old lady. You can see I was standing in front of a long chair, with smile. But the most interesting thing is that a swan was also wandering behind me. It seems hungery, staring a young couple who were sitting on the chair and eating hamburger. I feel very pleased with this photo. Because I think I have seen the well relation between animals and human being.The weather in Britain is quite unpredicted. It is sunny at morning and heavy rain at noon. No wander that I often see from cinemas that many citizens in London always bring umbrellas everyday. 4/Describe your favorite book or a story you read .What the book is calledWhat it talks about What you learn from itExplain why this book is your favorite.It is an interesting topic. I like reading very much. Recently, I read a good novel, called a beautiful mind, which has been filmed and got many honors. This novel told the story of John Nash, the founder of a great new mathematic theory, which is named as non-Cooperative Games Theory and is the foundation of the modern economics. However, the most attractive thing is not the awarding of Nobel Price to Mr. John Nash, but his spirit to his life and the power of love supported by his dear wife.John Nash is a famous scientist with serious mental illness. When he studied in Princeton University, he was very lonely and isolated just because his personality. So he was caught by mental illness. However, Nash did not shy away his shortcoming of thought. He bravely said “You are not true” to those illusions and try to control his sane part. Common people will usually been defeated when they met such serious tragedy, but it is not true for Nash. Even disturbed by serious illness, he still always kept his beautiful mind and made the unique achievement in his research field. This book also expresses the great respect to Nash’s wife, it is her deep love that saved this genius. She took care of his ill husband carefully can never gave him up. I can learn the unmatched power of humans’ love in this great work.What can you learn from this book? I think I can learn much from this book, including the power of human’s love, active attitude to the tough life, the kindness for others. Each famous people has his own glorious achievement. However, it is more meaningful for us to learn the hard work and struggle behind of the brilliance. Do you often go to library in university? Yes, of course, I nearly read books there everyday, especially in weekends.你喜欢什么书? I like read science fiction novels and journals. There is a famous journal published in our hometown, named UFO Research. I like it very much. 你认为未来的书会被替代吗?It is hard to say. In my opinion, it is the fact that many medias affect the books publication most, especially Internet. I think the reading method in the future will change greatly. Some electronic books will born and take over many readers, but it is not likely that paper based books will vanish. 图书管未来会有什么变化?I think the wide application of information and computer technology will change the library greatly in the future. The computer network and multimedia will make students search or read their favorite books more conveniently. 相关的:(1)Book is the ladder for the human’s progress; Books can teach people how to think in their own way. Compared with watching TV, reading is an active learning.5/Describe the recent success of China. what it waswhat it was about how important it wasI think maybe the recent success of china is the construction of Three Gorges Dam. This is the greatest water conservancy project in the world. You know, Changjiang River is the largest and longest river in our country. Because the specific geographic environment, this river floods frequently. Every year, hundreds and thousands of people suffered with terrible flood, and the flood also ruined hundreds billion Yuan. It is the great waste of nation’s resource. Therefore, the government decided to build a huge dam at the famous Three Gorge, so as to regulate this terrible river. This Dam cuts off the Changjiang River and then raises its forepart water level more than 100 meters additional height. This project lasted nearly 10 years and millions of residents in Three Gorge districts migrated to other places. The Three Gorge dam project is a miracle for all the world.Benefit of this project (1) Regulate the water, it can conserve the water during the raining season. (2) Generating electricity. It is also a huge waterpower plant.7/Describe a child you are familiar with.His or her nameHow old he/she isWhat his/her hobby isIt is a rather difficult topic. I would like describe my neighbor’s small son, called Lu Ju. Lu ju is an 8 years old boy. With a round face, a meter stature, he is a nice cherub. This boy is very interested in Chinese painting, so he often goes to my home asking some questions about it. I also like Chinese painting very much and have practiced it several years. So I can teach him some basic skills of drawing. Lu ju is so smart that he quickly grasps the skills of drawing mountains by Chinese ink. Last year, he got the third prize in the painting competition in his school. Compared with him, I hardly get any prize since I am painting. I like this smart boy very much. 原来的孩子幸福还是现在的孩子幸福?It’s hard to say. Personally, I think child beforetime was less stressful. The competition in school is not as hot as is in nowadays. In beforetime, a family usually has more than one children and the job opportunities were comparatively plentiful, therefore, parents don’t care much about if their children could enter the university. Nowadays, for the policy of birth control, most family had only one child and getting a higher education often means the promising future. So the pressures are coming from different aspects: parents, teachers, schoolmates, and society. To some extend, children live much painfully than before, though they have more materials enjoyment. 中国现在的小学教育方式好不好?I think the traditional education method, called the test-preparation mode, is not very good for Chinese children, though it is very popular in most elementary school. I think the test is only a way of reinforcing the knowledge. It should not become the center of education. 存在那些问题:The most notable problems is the score of test can not stand for the real ability of a child. Also, The children’s initiative can not be exerted totally.你觉得正当的教育应该是什么?(1)Give children more chance to study in their own way. (2) Don’t sort the children by their scores in the class.(3) Give much attention and encouragement to children’s creation and imagination. 中国教育的改善有哪些?I think teachers have realized the importance of well-grounded development in elementary education. Some new teaching method has been introduced, such as small group study, class debating, encouraging the initiative of children and so on. 你小时候喜欢玩什么?I was keen on the collection of stamps. Because some people told me some stamps were very valuable, so I tried to collect some old stamps everywhere, just like a small moneygrubber.8/ Describe the four seasons in China.How many seasons there areWhat features there areWhat people do in the four seasons Well, I think the four seasons are quite different in different regions of china. In Wuhan, the center of china, the Spring comes since February, just after the traditional spring Festival. It lasts about 2 or 3 month. In this season, the weather is quite humid and comfortable. The temperature ranges between 10 and 25 Centigrade. The Summer begins at May, which is maybe the terrible weather. Because it is too hot. The temperature would climb to the 45 centigrade. The lowest temperature is always above 30 centigrade and makes people feel very uncomfortable in the night. After 4 months hot days, the autumn will come after August. This season is quite beautiful and pleasantly cool and I like it very much. Usually, the winter will begin at the middle of November. Though the temperature is always above the zero centigrade in winter, but there is a strong wind and cold rain, making people feel very cold. In north of china, the period of spring or winter is usually longer than is in south. Also, it is very dry for the lack of rain. In contrast, south is quite humid and raining in 4 seasons.你最喜欢哪个季节?I like autumn most. When I study in university, I can see that the falling leafs are flying on the sky and then covering on the road, which turns the dark road into a golden color. It is very impressive and I like it very much. Also, after the hot summer, I feel very comfortable in this cool season.穿的衣服有没有随之变化?Yes, of course. People usually dress warm clothes in winter, a sweater in spring or autumn, and shirts in summer. The colors of clothes are usually dark in cold season and light in warm or hot days.南北方建筑风格上的差异?Usually, the buildings in north have center-heating system and the windows and walls are made in warm-proof technology. However, the houses in south care much about the waterproof just because the frequent raining.9/Describe the most unforgettable success in your life.What it isHow you made itWhy it is important Maybe the most unforgettable success is my successful entrance of the university. In1992, I took the National College Entrance Test in our county and got the highest scores among the 2 thousand examinees. I think this success is meaningful for my life. You know, in china, children from countryside can get a better future only by entering the university. Therefore, Struggling for getting a higher education is the best wish for every student in countryside. This success changed my life totally. In most of countryside of china, the standard of education is quite low, lacking high-trained teachers, good teaching equipments, enough information and communication. So, every year, only few children in our county can be enrolled. I think I am very luck. When I got the good news that I got the high rank in the test, I am very exciting and pleasant. My parents embraced me with tears. Our neighbors and relatives congratulated me one after another, just like a festival.怎样才能取得成功?I think there are three basic elements for success, the hard work, the right method and the good chance. Some people have worked everyday and cannot make any success, I think it is because they have the wrong methods or lack the good chance.人为什么要有目标 目标的作用 The object is very important for people, a definite object will help people know what they should do in recent days or years and what they are doing for. Without an object, people will lose the direction. 谈谈你的人生目标 ?My aim is definite, going abroad and then reading for my doctorial Degree. I think china is a best place for my development, but it is very difficult for me to be outstanding without the international education background. China is an opening country, I think I can learn much high-tech knowledge abroad and make achievements in my home country. 你国家的人以什么作为成功的标准(criterion)?It is hard to say. Some people think success means much of money, the big house and expensive cars, while others think they will be successful if they get a high position in company or government. 10/Describe a period of time, when you think was interesting or exciting.When it wasWhat did you do during that periodWhy it was special I think the most interesting period is my campus life. I entered the university in 1992 and graduated in 1996, those 4 years memory maybe the best fortune for me. When I studied in university, I have many good friends. We attended classes, went to library, discussed questions everyday. There were lots of funny memories. For example, in my first year, we study the theory of electronic and integrated circuit, some of my roommates found that a wireless microphone could send our voice to our small radios. So he changed the circuit of common wireless microphone and increased its power, a small broadcasting station was born. Every night, we played many pop songs and funny jock by it, covering audience in the nearly 100 meters range. Some schoolmates even introduced themselves to the students in the opposite buildings via it, because that building was only for girls. It was very funny.I like this period very much. I think this is my golden time in my life.
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