加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息这个星期小孩坐公交车免费?



回复: 这个星期小孩坐公交车免费?真的还是假的?可惜与我无关,我都没有小孩。

不给做广告,不知道写啥好。回复: 这个星期小孩坐公交车免费?Kids ride free for Walk to School Week - It all about options Oct. 6-10Once again this year, elementary and secondary school students will be able to ride public transit free of charge during International Walk to School Week, Oct. 6-10, 2008. In 2007, TransLink announced an ongoing commitment to this support of walk to School Week? the overall theme is about discovering alternatives to private vehicles. Young people are encouraged to see public transit as a practical, environmentally friendly option; one that helps them see the world they live in with new eyes.Providing this opportunity for students to ride transit free also gives them a chance to learn how the transit system works and how to avigate?around Metro Vancouver on buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus, Albion Ferry and West Coast Express.Elementary school students need only step on the bus or SkyTrain; high school students will have to show their GoCard in order to ride. Teachers may take the opportunity to use public transit for field trips, although it is recommended that they plan to ride transit between 10 am and 2:30 pm, in order to avoid the heavy commuter times on the transit system.TransLink is pleased to support the 2008 International Walk to School Week, and wishes every success to the venture.

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