加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Questions about planning a trip from Vancouver to Banff, Jas
Sorry, can only type Englsih.We are now planning a trip, driving to Banff, Jasper at the first week of June. Some questions come up.Please help me with this: 1. We planned to go there this June. But according to the information on the net, most fee raise from June 1st, which is considered the start of peak season. So is it more economical to go at the end of May, or the week which contains the stat holiday, May 18? My expenses mostly will be the accomodation, entrance fee, maybe plane tickets. 2. We'd like to drive our own car: 2000 TL, 3.2 , two wheel drive, not in best condition. What I am wondering is whether it's a better choice to rent a car? If the car breaks down on the way, what option do we have? Which rental company is better? 3. Is May or June a good season to go to Rockey Mountain area? 4. Which route is better? Fly to Calgary first, then rent a car, driving all the way back to Vancouver. Or, starting from Vancouver directly? A lot of questions.Waiting for valuable advice.
回复: Questions about planning a trip from Vancouver to Banff, Jasper也有想法去,就怕开车太辛苦,也许飞calgary,再开车去免些辛苦。想知道开车从Van-Banf的路,不是4驱的车,是否可行?塔车问一下。
回复: Questions about planning a trip from Vancouver to Banff, Jasperhere is the excellent information, driving to banff from vancouver is a good idea, as on the road to there, lots place to stop by and visit http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g154943-i81-k407867-Driving_between_Vancouver_and_Banff-Vancouver_British_Columbia.htmlnote, that The Coquihalla is now without toll
回复: Questions about planning a trip from Vancouver to Banff, Jasper无需四驱,一般车即可。
回复: Questions about planning a trip from Vancouver to Banff, Jasper那么大家觉得5月去是否比6月便宜呢?另外,一直犹豫中,因为很多人说5月去banff不是最好的季节。大家出出主意。 还有一点,就是车子的问题。如果车子在半路出了问题的话,怎么办啊?是否如果是租的车的话,出了问题会相对有保障点啊?因为从来没租过车,想问问有经验的TZ,租车时候对路上出故障的问题有什么条款吗? 楼上各位都加声望了,很有帮助。 谢谢。
回复: Questions about planning a trip from Vancouver to Banff, Jasper我在六月初短登八天,打算一下飞机就租车,出了温哥华朝东走,根据疲劳程度,当天晚上住在Hope或Merritt,第二天到Banff后住三个晚上,第五天返回温哥华。 这个行程比较宽松,可以一路上慢慢看风景,在Banff也不会紧张。如果要在行程里加上Jesper,则至少要加多两到三天。因受短登时间限制,行程无法提前到六一之前,只好多付钱了。 但六月份天长(大概16小时)夜短,温度适中,降水较少,应该是个旅游好季节
回复: Questions about planning a trip from Vancouver to Banff, Jasper谢谢上面的回复,那个连接真详尽,我想6月比5月看景好些吧。车子有CAA的救援,出发前去检查一下车,应该不会有啥问题的。
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