加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Cloverdale Rodeo & Country Fair 5/15-18
www.cloverdale.bc.ca 有游行,演出,赛马(斗牛?),放假没事的朋友可以全家过去玩一天。预定赛马比赛的票(15-25块)可以免10块钱的门票。有兴趣的朋友看一下了。
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871 赏 反馈:老伍靓汤 2009-05-15#2 1,181 $0.00 回复: Cloverdale Rodeo & Country Fair 5/15-18is there anybody have interest?we really want to go but we don't know the way.who can tell me the adress or let us go togather?
回复: Cloverdale Rodeo & Country Fair 5/15-18is there anybody have interest?we really want to go but we don't know the way.who can tell me the adress or let us go togather?点击展开...You can find detail here:http://www.cloverdalerodeo.com/files/country-fair.php
回复: Cloverdale Rodeo & Country Fair 5/15-18正愁长周末没地方打发时间呢。。。太感谢了。。。
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