加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息sunrise yoga class at west point grey and downtown west end!


如题,替公司吆喝一下!有兴趣早锻炼的跟我联系或者直接点击下面的链接。周二和周四在 WEST POINT GREY,7:00-8:00 AM,7月7日开始, 周三和周五在DOWNTOWN WEST END. 7月8日开始。 另这个课程是室外的,应该是在海滩或者草地上,我还没去过。 Hi PansyRegarding Sunrise Yoga, to answer your questions:Each session costs $15 - and you need to sign up for all 4 weeks, so it is $60 in total.There will be no drop-ins.You can pay online by going to the following link:http://vancouver.ca/parks/rec/programs/outdoor.htmOnline is the preferred method of registration, but if that is not possible, then you can also sign up by calling the West Point Grey community centre for the Locarno Beach sunrise Yoga.Another set of the Sunrise Yoga classes has just become available for Wednesdays and Fridays in July, as follows:Sunrise YogaDowntown, West endJul 8-Jul 297-8amWed4 weeksSunrise YogaDowntown, West endJul 10-Jul 317-8amFri4 weeks

[FONT=宋体]作为一名瑜伽老师我相信,如果我们想要达到一个目标或者进行一些改变,只要有时间和身心的投入,它就会实现,这不仅是瑜伽的心,也是生活的心,我们需要做的就是坚持。[/FONT]回复: sunrise yoga class at west point grey and downtown west end!那里风景很漂亮的。很适合瑜伽的。

人生梦想: 看遍天下美景, 尝遍人间佳肴http://blog.sina.com.cn/jinghuiyu回复: sunrise yoga class at west point grey and downtown west end!好早哦...

回复: sunrise yoga class at west point grey and downtown west end!好早哦...点击展开...我是属于早起的鸟儿

[FONT=宋体]作为一名瑜伽老师我相信,如果我们想要达到一个目标或者进行一些改变,只要有时间和身心的投入,它就会实现,这不仅是瑜伽的心,也是生活的心,我们需要做的就是坚持。[/FONT]如题,替公司吆喝一下!有兴趣早锻炼的跟我联系或者直接点击下面的链接。周二和周四在 WEST POINT GREY,7:00-8:00 AM,7月7日开始, 周三和周五在DOWNTOWN WEST END. 7月8日开始。 另这个课程是室外的,应该是在海滩或者草地上,我还没去过。 Hi PansyRegarding Sunrise Yoga, to answer your questions: Each session costs $15 - and you need to sign up for all 4 weeks, so it is $60 in total.There will be no drop-ins.You can pay online by going to the following link:http://vancouver.ca/parks/rec/programs/outdoor.htm Online is the preferred method of registration, but if that is not possible, then you can also sign up by calling the West Point Grey community centre for the Locarno Beach sunrise Yoga. Another set of the Sunrise Yoga classes has just become available for Wednesdays and Fridays in July, as follows: Sunrise YogaDowntown, West end Jul 8-Jul 297-8amWed4 weeksSunrise YogaDowntown, West endJul 10-Jul 317-8amFri4 weeks点击展开...好早呀, 有下午的吗?

回复: sunrise yoga class at west point grey and downtown west end!好早呀, 有下午的吗?点击展开...那两个地方就是那个时间。因为平时要照顾女儿,所以我都不安排下午的课。很多社区中心或者yoga会馆都有下午的课,你可以去看看。我的yoga space有晚上的课,但在RICHMOND.详情请看链接:http://pansy28yoga.spaces.live.com/default.aspx

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