加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息解答大家关于二次登陆海关报税的疑问


我是2年前短登,拿到PR卡后回到了中国,今年准备回到加拿大长期居住了,面临一个问题:当我进入加拿大海关时,我究竟要如何申报自己随身携带的物品,享受什么样的免税政策?在家园中搜索了好多帖子,众说纷纭,只好自己去研究了Canada Borders Services Agency的有关规定,总结如下:一般加拿大居民出国后返回加拿大是两种情况:1.短期离开加拿大的。1天-1年内2.离开加拿大已经超过一年的。我的情况属于2,对于我携带的个人物品(已使用了6个月以上时间)没有明确的总额的限制,只是要求对随身携带的或随后会托运到达的物品中,单件物品价值超过10000加元的物品进行申报。此外,还有额外的750元免税额度,这750元的物品可以是非个人已使用的。大家可以参看以下链接:http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publicati...-eng.html#s4x1This publication will be helpful if you are: a resident of Canada who is returning to resume residence after an absence of at least one year; ora former resident of Canada who has been a resident of another country for at least one year.The CBSA considers one year to be one calendar year from your date of departure. For example, if you leave on January 1, 2007, and return on January 1, 2008, we consider you to have been absent for one year.Value limitation ($10,000)Any single personal or household item (including an automobile) that you acquired after March 31, 1977, that is worth more than CAN$10,000 on the date you import it is subject to applicable duty and taxes on the amount that is over CAN$10,000.Ownership, possession and use requirementsIf you have lived outside Canada for at least one year but less than five years, you must have owned, possessed and used your personal and household effects abroad for at least six months before you return to Canada to resume residence. If you have bills of sale and registration documents, they can help you prove that you meet these requirements.It is important that you meet the three requirements of ownership, possession and use. For example, if you owned and possessed the goods without using them, the goods would be subject to duty and taxes. Please note that leased goods are subject to duty and taxes, as the CBSA does not consider that you own them.Additional personal exemptionsWhen you return to resume residence in Canada, you are entitled to claim a duty- and tax-free personal exemption of a maximum value of CAN$750 for goods you acquired abroad or while in transit. You do not have to own, possess or use these goods before you return to Canada to resume residence

回复: 解答大家关于二次登陆海关报税的疑问谢谢!那么第一种情况的呢?

谢谢!那么第一种情况的呢?点击展开...关于第一种情况参看以下链接 总体来说,能免除的税额不高,最多也就是750加元。 http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.htmlWhat are your personal exemptions?After each absence of 24 hours or moreYou can claim up to CAN$50 worth of goods without paying any duties. This is your personal exemption. You must have the goods with you when you arrive in Canada and you cannot include tobacco products or alcoholic beverages in this exemption. If the goods you bring in are worth more than CAN$50 in total, you cannot claim this exemption. Instead, you have to pay full duties on all goods you bring in.After each absence of 48 hours or moreYou can claim up to CAN$400 worth of goods without paying any duties. You must have the goods with you when you arrive in Canada. Although you can include some tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, a partial exemption may apply to cigarettes, tobacco products and manufactured tobacco. See the sections called “Alcoholic beverages” and “Tobacco products” for more details.After each absence of 7 days or moreYou can claim up to CAN$750 worth of goods without paying any duties. Although you can include some tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, a partial exemption may apply to cigarettes, tobacco products and manufactured tobacco. See the sections called “Alcoholic beverages” and “Tobacco products” for more details. With the exception of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, you do not need to have the goods with you when you arrive.To calculate the number of days you have been absent, do not include the date you left Canada but include the date you returned. Dates matter but not times. For example, we consider you to have been absent seven days if you left Friday the 7th and returned Friday the 14th.Who is eligible for these exemptions?You are eligible for a personal exemption if you are one of the following:a Canadian resident returning from a trip outside Canada;a former resident of Canada returning to live in this country; ora temporary resident of Canada returning from a trip outside Canada.Even young children and infants are entitled to a personal exemption. As a parent or guardian, you can make a declaration to the CBSA for a child as long as the goods you are declaring are for the child's use.

回复: 解答大家关于二次登陆海关报税的疑问呵呵,我也是07年短登了几天。几天前才Second-landing呢,我两次都是到温哥华!经历供你参考也没事先研究,下来才知道有申报的事。我统统都No啦。我一共3个箱子,加手提。那个推车像个小山好难推,入关的时候排队走的绿色通道,挺顺利。GOOD LUCK!

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