加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息去过EDMONTON的TZ请进...
要去一周, 有好吃的餐馆给介绍介绍...分分伺侯...
回复: 去过EDMONTON的TZ请进...自己顶.
回复: 去过EDMONTON的TZ请进...I m traveling in the Edmonton now ,if you want stay in a nice hotel in down town, for a reasonable price ,check out Holiday Inn Express. About restaurants, i realy like one ,the name of the restaurant is Earl's on Jasper Ave.
回复: 去过EDMONTON的TZ请进...I m traveling in the Edmonton now ,if you want stay in a nice hotel in down town, for a reasonable price ,check out Holiday Inn Express. About restaurants, i realy like one ,the name of the restaurant is Earl's on Jasper Ave.点击展开...嗯, MARKED.偶们定了一家家庭旅馆, 主要看有没有特色吃的地方, 既然在外头吃, 找点当地特色. 有没有好的STEAK HOUSE?
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