加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到
反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到http://www.bcndp.ca/stopHST?list=stopHSTforward [FONT=Helvetica Neu,Helvetica,Lucida Sans,Lucida][/FONT] Dear XXX, Thank you for signing the petition to Stop the HST. More than 45,000 angry British Columbians have joined you in signing the petition to stop Gordon Campbell's HST betrayal. Having promised in a written survey during the election not to implement this tax, Campbell now shows no signs of backing down from the HST. To stop the HST - the pressure on Campbell must keep increasing - we just can't stop campaigning against the tax. Premier Gordon Campbell and Finance Minister Colin Hansen have repeatedly asserted that they didn't consider the Harmonized Sales tax (HST) before the Spring election. But a Vancouver Sun article put a lie to those claims, bringing to light information that the Campbell government was briefed on the HST in a detailed report by the provincial government's B.C. Progress Board five months before the provincial election in May.[1] We've registered the domain name stophst.ca to make it easier to find the petition and to share it with others. As you read this, please take a moment to ask a nearby person, whether they are a co-worker, a friend or a family member, about they have signed the petition. If they haven't, you can click here and have them sign it, right now. Please take a further step against this tax and click here: to share this petition with five friends. Take advantage of our easy to use form to email a note to your friends and family. Our form will automatically stop duplicate emails from going to folks who have already signed the petition 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到http://www.bcndp.ca/stopHST?list=stopHSTforward http://www.bcndp.ca/stopHST?list=stopHSTforward
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到不是有个24hour报纸的专栏作家开了一个facebook吗?那里已经有超过10万人了
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到这是啥税啊?有什么不好的地方?有谁能解释下么?
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到应该就是他吧,俺前段时间签了,给俺来了邮件,呼吁更多的人参加。BC省的政客太龌龊了。前年给他们自己加薪毫不犹豫,根本不在乎选民的反应,给老百姓提高点最低工资就分析来分析去,会影响BC省经济。新移民越来越多,如果大家都事不关己,这个社会也会和中国一样腐败丛生,却没有人管了。
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到这是啥税啊?有什么不好的地方?有谁能解释下么?点击展开...That means you'll be paying a lot more money for everday goods and services in just under one year. The HST will raise prices on: haircutsfoodheating billsmovie and theatre ticketshousingfuneralsvitaminsbicyclesmagazine and newspaperssafety equipmentdry cleaningairplane ticketsand more这些项目会提高7%的税。按政客的分析,是对经济有好处的,但80%+的居民认为他们是大呼悠。对百姓来说,加税就是加税,每天要支付的税款无异多了。主要是反对他们当选以后就一意孤行,言而无信的丑陋。
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到That means you'll be paying a lot more money for everday goods and services in just under one year. The HST will raise prices on: haircutsfoodheating billsmovie and theatre ticketshousingfuneralsvitaminsbicyclesmagazine and newspaperssafety equipmentdry cleaningairplane ticketsand more这些项目会提高7%的税。按政客的分析,是对经济有好处的,但80%+的居民认为他们是大呼悠。对百姓来说,加税就是加税,每天要支付的税款无异多了。主要是反对他们当选以后就一意孤行,言而无信的丑陋。点击展开...看起来这不是什么好东西。 这些税收会用到什么地方呢?会不会少收一点income tax?
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到HST就是统一销售合并税,最直接的就是原来吃饭只有交GST,明年7月1号以后就要交12%的合并税,本来HST是把GST和PST合并一起,但是以前不用交省税的项目以后都要交了,像是吃去吃饭,理发,还有就是买新房子的话,要多交
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到看起来这不是什么好东西。 这些税收会用到什么地方呢?会不会少收一点income tax?点击展开...不会的,现在BC赤字很大,只会多收税,不会降一分税
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到俺 不是公民,好象没权利管这事
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到政府的预算就那么多,东墙不够西墙补,如果HST税收不够,你的房产税(或者其他税)必将会增加,所以要呼吁就呼吁政府减少财政开支而不是降低某一项税率。但话又说回来,如果政府减少财政支出,社会福利必将下降。
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到早就应该减少那么多的难民了,又笨又懒,还净做坏事!
法语----没落的贵族14岁儿子话语 被别人投诉虐待宠物的事还真给我碰上了 登陆两月,可怜的老公衣带渐宽!http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=274566http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=379637That means you'll be paying a lot more money for everday goods and services in just under one year. The HST will raise prices on: haircutsfoodheating billsmovie and theatre ticketshousingfuneralsvitaminsbicyclesmagazine and newspaperssafety equipmentdry cleaningairplane ticketsand more这些项目会提高7%的税。按政客的分析,是对经济有好处的,但80%+的居民认为他们是大呼悠。对百姓来说,加税就是加税,每天要支付的税款无异多了。主要是反对他们当选以后就一意孤行,言而无信的丑陋。点击展开...当初华人都貌似支持自由党,为何不试试支持连碳税都肯取消的新民主党,轮流座庄可能好些.
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到签完了。太缺德了。
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到不会的,现在BC赤字很大,只会多收税,不会降一分税点击展开...我签,宁愿涨收入税,也不交统一税!!!
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到签好了,反对!
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到看错了
"For if you forgive others their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. " 回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到好像政府态度很强硬。估计要收了。
回复: 反对统一税的同学们,请去这里签到当初华人都貌似支持自由党,为何不试试支持连碳税都肯取消的新民主党,轮流座庄可能好些.点击展开...据说选民曾经给过他们机会,结果他们上去以后就是4年浩劫,上去之前说得挺好,上去以后闭着眼睛花钱,所以大家都被吓怕了
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