加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?
回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?找旅行社,走商务旅游?
回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?找旅行社,走商务旅游?点击展开...已经被拒签了,这样再改成商务签证,他们那里有记录的话,是不是会更麻烦呢?
回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?拒签的原因是什么?据说先签美国的旅游签证再签加拿大的旅游好签。拒签几次再去签也没问题的。
回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?家园的朋友见多识广,很热心,又来打搅各位了!我一朋友孩子今年9月来温留学,上中学,孩子在国内签完证后,留学中介附带了一项服务,给家长办理签证,原准备9月送孩子一起来的,没想到居然被拒签了。想想可能是因为孩子还没到这里来,所以签不到,等孩子来了后,从学校开了证明,材料准备全了,最近又到上海签了一次,结果还是拒签了。朋友背景是国内有实体企业,有一定的经济实力,曾去过不少国家,唯一缺陷的可能是单身母亲,不知移民官怎么想的?这样被拒了2次,还是什么办法可以改变吗?谢谢!点击展开...寄信去查查准确的详细拒签信息 (差不多1月时间吧) Please do not reply to this email. Sir, Madam, Thank you for contacting the Call Centre. Following today's conversation, November 10 2008, I am pleased to provide you with the requested information: The purpose of the Privacy Act is to ensure the protection of your personal information. The Access to Information Act gives you the right to access that information. You can also allow Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to give your personal information to someone of your choice by providing a written authorization. The Access to Information and Personal Information Request (IMM 5563) form allows Canadian citizens, permanent residents and anyone physically present inside Canada to ask for information. With the form you have to include a *$5 payment in the form of: a cheque made payable to the Receiver General for Canada; or a money order made payable to the Receiver General for Canada. If you are asking for personal information that is not your own, you must include: an Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual Form (IMM 5475); or if that person is **deceased, proof that you are the lawful executor. The form is available on our Web site. You can fill it out on-line and print it or fill it out by hand.Send your information request to:Public Rights AdministrationCitizenship and Immigration CanadaNarono Building360 Laurier Avenue West, 10th floorOttawa, ONK1A 1L1 Please note that some information might not be provided for security purposes. * This will entitle you to five hours of search and preparation time. You may be asked to pay an additional amount later.** This only applies if the person has been deceased for less than 20 years. In the case where the person died more than 20 years ago, you will need to submit documentary evidence like a death certificate.The Internet links below will provide you with more detailed information: Description: Access to Information and Personal Information Request Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/form-imm5563.asp Description: Release of Information to an Individual Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/release-info.asp Description: Access to Information and Privacy at CIC Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-atip.asp Description: FAQs - Access to Information and Privacy at CIC Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/faq.asp The purpose of the Privacy Act is to insure the protection of your personal information. The Access to Information Act gives you the right to access that information. There are no fees for accessing your own personal information under the Privacy Act.The Access to Information and Personal Information Request (IMM 5563) form allows Canadian citizens, permanent residents and anyone physically present inside Canada to ask for their own personal information. The form is available on our Web site. You can fill it out on-line and print it or fill it out by hand. Send your information request to the office responsible for your region. Please note that some information might not be provided for security purposes.The Internet links below will provide you with more detailed information: Description: Access to Information and Personal Information Request Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/form-imm5563.asp Description: Release of Information to an Individual Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/release-info.asp Description: Access to Information and Privacy at CIC Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-atip.asp Description: Addresses for Personal Information Requests Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-address.asp Description: FAQs - Access to Information and Privacy at CIC Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/faq.asp The information in this email is meant to assist you in understanding the immigration and citizenship policies and/or procedures. It is a summary of the information contained in the law. If you plan on consulting this email again at a future date, please visit our Web site to ensure that you have the most current information on our programs and policies. For any further questions, please visit our Web site at www.cic.gc.ca or contact our Call Centre at 1 888 242-2100 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time). If you are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing, or you have a speech impediment and use a text telephone, you can access the TTY service by calling 1 888 576-8502 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time). Don't forget about CIC's other on-line services: Download application kits and forms Inform us of a change of address Learn the status of your application. Tips for clients. WilderAgent #3511 Citizenship and Immigration Canada
回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?已经被拒签了,这样再改成商务签证,他们那里有记录的话,是不是会更麻烦呢?点击展开...不怕,就说是要顺便去送女儿上学, 实话实说,签证官是凭感觉的. 最好商务邀请的背景是大公司,信誉好的.或者是先去签美国的旅游,再回头来签加拿大. 没什么办法的,都要看签证官的对她的感觉, 面试时最好穿戴时尚而不招摇,态度最好是温柔而不胆怯, 任何问题自信而不含糊,眼睛直视签证官,,,让签证官感觉,就算这人有移民倾向不回来了留在加拿大也是好事情....
回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?问题是加拿大不面签啊!没有机会展示啊!
回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?不怕,就说是要顺便去送女儿上学, 实话实说,签证官是凭感觉的. 最好商务邀请的背景是大公司,信誉好的.或者是先去签美国的旅游,再回头来签加拿大. 没什么办法的,都要看签证官的对她的感觉, 面试时最好穿戴时尚而不招摇,态度最好是温柔而不胆怯, 任何问题自信而不含糊,眼睛直视签证官,,,让签证官感觉,就算这人有移民倾向不回来了留在加拿大也是好事情....点击展开... 谢谢,加使馆没有面签的机会,我朋友还真希望能面签和他们交流一下呢,你以上的几条她都很符合啊,可惜没有展示机会。
回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?你可以查一下ACCESS TO INFORMATION了解一下拒签的真实原因不过 相隔这么短的时间除非状况有很大的改变否则基本上不可能获得签证所以说 第一次签证一定要慎重
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回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?以我有近10年的经验来看,近期不要签了,在签还是被拒。条件没有改变就不要多次递签,否则以后也难签过
回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?单身母亲,加拿大签证官认为你不回去了,如果孩子不在这学习,没准还给她签,现在孩子也来了,就不给了,就是这么回事。你有多少财产,他们都认为你可以转移出来, 关键是人,你有没有什么人让你必须keep Tie to China.点击展开... 她本人国内的父母年龄都80岁了,是有牵挂的,已在给签证官的信里声明了,还是没用,谢谢!
回复: 留学探亲被拒签,请教有何方法改变?以我有近10年的经验来看,近期不要签了,在签还是被拒。条件没有改变就不要多次递签,否则以后也难签过点击展开... 看来是不能反复再签了,那要什么样的条件改变呢?也不能因为这签证马上就去结婚啊,呵呵!
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