加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Telus, Rogers 降低 System Access Fee


你还在支付手机接入费吗?问问Telus和Rogers怎么改计划吧。 Telus has become the first of the big three Canadian wireless companies to drop the hated system access fee ― and not replace it with a new charge.The company announced Tuesday that it was discontinuing its $6.95 system access fee, which it said went toward maintaining and upgrading its network, as well as the 75-cent 911 charge. Telus's rival Rogers dropped its system access charge in September, but replaced it with a "regulatory recovery fee" ranging between $2.46 and $3.46 depending on region, which the company said will help pay for the cost of complying with various government regulations.

回复: Telus, Rogers 降低 System Access Fee听说是换汤不换药。该交的钱一分钱不少,还有可能更多

回复: Telus, Rogers 降低 System Access FeeRogers 每人每月可以便宜5刀左右。 Telus相同价格,增加功能。

回复: Telus, Rogers 降低 System Access FeeRogers是这样做的, 并不是便宜5块,而是涨价几毛到几块,对于不同的plan来说Rogers is scrapping the $6.95 system access fee and replacing it with a "regulatory recovery fee" that will differ by province.The new fee, which takes effect on Oct. 5, will range between $2.46 and $3.46 per month, depending on the region. In addition, Rogers is raising the base rates of its plans by $5 and adding three free calling features call forwarding, Who Called and Call Manager, which allow customers to manage incoming calls and alerts them to calls received when their phones were off.http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2009/09/22/rogers-scrapping-system-access-fee.htmlTelus从新闻来看,价格不变,但也没省什么钱,比Rogers好些。Telus subscribers won't see a huge savings though, as the company is also increasing the price of its monthly service plans by $5 to make up for the revenue shortfall. Telus is, however, including its Voicemail 3 service which lets customers save up to three voice mail messages with the plans. Rogers also boosted the price of its plans when it dropped the system access fee.http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2009/10/27/telus-system-access-fee.htmlCRTC要求他们不能收access fee,他们就另想办法了

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