加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息对抗甲流感 卑诗下周扩大疫苗施打对象



回复: 对抗甲流感 卑诗下周扩大疫苗施打对象除非大范围爆发,否则,不想打。

回复: 对抗甲流感 卑诗下周扩大疫苗施打对象http://van.worldjournal.com/pages/full_van/push?article-抗A流+下周擴大疫苗施打對象 &id=4481919-抗A流+下周擴大疫苗施打對象&instance=bc_story1

成功落?加拿大 回复: 对抗甲流感 卑诗下周扩大疫苗施打对象谢谢信息~

加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 对抗甲流感 卑诗下周扩大疫苗施打对象好像还不是所有的健康人群。

回复: 对抗甲流感 卑诗下周扩大疫苗施打对象到打上了的时候会不会病毒已经发生变异了?

回复: 对抗甲流感 卑诗下周扩大疫苗施打对象到打上了的时候会不会病毒已经发生变异了?点击展开...hehe,你真搞笑

回复: 对抗甲流感 卑诗下周扩大疫苗施打对象是的,下周开始普通人都可以打了,因为疫苗前期短缺,现在这问题应该是解决了.

回复: 对抗甲流感 卑诗下周扩大疫苗施打对象http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/flu/#BC Flu Clinic LocatorThank you for visiting B.C.'s Influenza Vaccine Clinic Locator.Posted H1N1 public health vaccine clinics are held based on vaccine availability. If you cannot find a clinic in your area, that does not mean the H1N1 vaccine is not available in your region. As clinic information is changing on a rapid basis, some locations - including physicians' offices - may be offering the H1N1 vaccine that are not yet indicated on the map.If you are at high-risk and wish to receive the H1N1 vaccine, but are not able to attend any of the currently listed clinics in your area, contact your local Public Health Unit or your family physician for more information on where you can get vaccinated.Those people currently eligible to receive the pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine are those who would benefit most from immunization and who are most at-risk, including: * individuals under 65 years of age with chronic disease * pregnant women * individuals - including First Nations people - living in remote or isolated communities. * Health-care workers, with priority given to those involved with the pandemic response, in delivery of essential health services and those in critical functions and direct patient care roles * Children between six months and five years of age * Household contacts younger than 65 years of age of babies less than six months old and of severely immunocompromised peopleStarting November 9, pregnant women who have not yet chosen to be vaccinated will now have the option of receiving the unadjuvanted H1N1 vaccine. As well, additional health care workers will be vaccinated as supplies allow.Not everyone in these groups will be immunized this week. Each region will need to gauge supply and demand, and there may be some differences in timing of vaccine availability because of these variables. If you fall into one of the above groups, please contact your local Public Health unit or your family physician for more information on getting the vaccine.The above groups are those who would most benefit from receiving the vaccine or who are at high-risk for suffering complications from pandemic H1N1 infection. British Columbians who fall into these groups who need and want the H1N1 vaccine, and for whom the seasonal flu shot is also recommended, will be able to receive both at the same time if it is offered in your area.People who are not at highest risk are requested to wait until late-November or early-December to get immunized when BC receives its full orders of H1N1 vaccine.Please see the H1N1 Questions and Answers for more information.

成功落?加拿大 回复: 对抗甲流感 卑诗下周扩大疫苗施打对象这病爆发了半年多了,而且专家们早就预言提醒会有第二次高峰,现在第二次高峰都爆发这么久了,人都死了上千了,只有三千万人口的国家竟然还没有足够的疫苗。这要是发生在中国。。。。。。。。。。

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