加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Vancouver developer 的networking 活动通知


不好意思,标题写漏了,是software developers的networking 活动:Announcing a new Meetup for VanDev: Vancouver's Software Developers Network!What: Last Social Meeting for this year 2009When: December 8, 2009 7:00 PMWhere:Waves Coffee HouseWest Broadway & Spruce St 1095 W BroadwayVancouver, BC V6H 1E2604 731 9283Our December Social Meeting is Tuesday December the 8th .Besides the social gathering we will be talking about Networking for job and Contract Hunting. So your presence is important for you and your fellow members. This is all about getting to know each other in a friendly way. As usual the format is simple: fill out a name tag, introduce yourself to someone, and exchange business/contact cards as appropriate. Waves Coffee serves coffees, teas, pre-prepared entrees, and pastries so make you at home. We will have door prizes to fill out the event too. Frances Leslie will be there to great you.See you there YosriLearn more here:http://www.meetup.com/VanDev/calendar/11899832/

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