加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Savings and investment with ING Direct


was writing to recommend you some high interests savings and investment accounts with ING Direct.ING currently offers a $25 referral bonus for both new clients with openning amount more than 100 $ and their referer. Please take this good opportunity to increase your savings in a faster fashion, meanwhile get $25 bonus.please log on their websitehttp://www.ingdirect.ca/en/signmeup/index.html to learn more about their products.To apply for their account(s), you may choose either online or over the phone. No matter what option you choose to open your account(s), remember to put my referal key there 34616201S1. When you fund your account(s) with more than $100, the bonus will be realized.Their Current Account Rates are attached as follows:ACCOUNTCURRENT RATEInvestment Savings Account (ISA)1.20%US$ Investment Savings Account (ISA)0.75%RSP Investment Savings Account (RISA)1.20%Tax-Free Investment Savings Account (TFSA)3.00%Children's Savings Account1.20%Business Investment Savings Account1.00%US$ Business Investment Savings Account0.75%Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 Year1.25%Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 ½ Year1.50%Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 2 Year1.75%Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 3 Year2.50%Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 4 Year2.50%Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 5 Year3.00%US$ Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 Year1.00%US$ Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 ½ Year1.10%US$ Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 2 Year1.25%US$ Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 3 Year2.00%US$ Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 4 Year2.00%US$ Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 5 Year2.00%Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 90 Days0.50%Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 180 Days0.50%Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 270 Days0.50%US$ Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 90 Days0.80%US$ Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 180 Days1.00%US$ Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 270 Days1.00%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 Year1.25%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 ½ Year1.50%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 2 Year1.75%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 3 Year2.50%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 4 Year2.50%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 5 Year3.00%US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 Year1.00%US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 ½ Year1.10%US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 2 Year1.25%US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 3 Year2.00%US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 4 Year2.00%US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 5 Year2.00%Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 90 Days0.50%Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 180 Days0.50%Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 270 Days0.50%US$ Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 90 Days0.80%US$ Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 180 Days1.00%US$ Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 270 Days1.00%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 Year1.25%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 ½ Year1.50%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 2 Year1.75%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 3 Year2.50%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 4 Year2.50%Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 5 Year3.00%Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 90 Days0.50%Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 180 Days0.50%Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 270 Days0.50%RSP Guaranteed Investment (RGIC) - 1 Year1.25%RSP Guaranteed Investment (RGIC) - 1 ½ Year1.50%RSP Guaranteed Investment (RGIC) - 2 Year1.75%RSP Guaranteed Investment (RGIC) - 3 Year2.50%RSP Guaranteed Investment (RGIC) - 4 Year2.50%RSP Guaranteed Investment (RGIC) - 5 Year3.00%Short Term RSP Guaranteed Investment (RGIC) - 90 Days3.00%Short Term RSP Guaranteed Investment (RGIC) - 180 Days0.50%Short Term RSP Guaranteed Investment (RGIC) - 270 Days0.50%Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 Year1.25%Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 1 ½ Year1.50%Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 2 Year1.75%Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 3 Year2.50%Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 4 Year2.50%Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 5 Year3.00%Tax-Free Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 90 Days0.50%Tax-Free Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 180 Days0.50%Tax-Free Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) - 270 Days0.50%unmortgage - 1 Year2.65%unmortgage - 2 Year3.15%unmortgage - 3 Year3.49%unmortgage - 4 Year3.69%unmortgage - 5 Year3.89%unmortgage - 7 Year5.25%unmortgage - 10 Year5.35%unmortgage - 5 year variable1.95%

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