加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Sunshine list - 看不明白就算了,免得郁闷


小秘可有评论?http://www.cbc.ca/canada/ottawa/story/2010/03/31/sunshine-list-ontario.htmlThe annual "sunshine list" of people earning more than $100,000 in Ontario's public sector is out, and it's longer than ever, with 10,000 more names than last year.More than 63,000 people broke the $100,000 barrier in provincial government departments, Crown agencies, town and city government, hospitals, colleges, school boards, electric utilities and other organizations that get public funding from the province.At the top of the list are two CEOs of the same power company, each collecting more than $1 million in 2009, the CBC's Mike Crawley reports from Queen's Park.Ontario Power Generation's former chief, Jim Hankinson, who left in July, was paid $2.15 million.His successor, Tom Mitchell, got more than $1 million plus some $31,000 in taxable benefits. Before his promotion, he was OPG's chief nuclear officer.In third place was the CEO of the Art Gallery of Ontario, Matthew Teitelbaum, at about $981,000 including benefits.Laura Formusa, CEO of Hydro One, was close behind at about $975,000.There was also big money in health care. Eleven hospital CEOs in the province earned more than $600,000.$100K 'still a lot of money,' McGuinty saysBy contrast, Premier Dalton McGuinty earned just under $209,000.Notable salaries in OttawaName and position Salary incl. taxable benefitsJack Kitts, CEO, Ottawa Hospital $725,518.40Bob Roberts, president and CEO, University of Ottawa Heart Institute $701,562.13Gerald Savoie, CEO, Montfort Hospital $530,894.90Feridun Hamdullahpur, vice-president (research and international), Carleton University $515,247.70Roseann Runt, president, Carleton University $401,708.64Allan Rock, president, University of Ottawa $397,603.12Michel Bilodeau, CEO, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario $370,543.51Robert Gillett, president, Algonquin College $346,358.31Tom Schonberg, president and CEO, Queensway Carleton Hospital $314,955.14This year's list fills four volumes, each the size of a phone book.As the figures suggest, the power industry was a good bet if you wanted to make more than $100,000 a year.More than 10,000 people did so at Ontario Power, which generates electricity, and Hydro One, which distributes it.Although $100,000 isn't what it was when the list was first published in the mid-1990s, there is no appetite at Queen's Park for raising the bar.Premier Dalton McGuinty nixed the idea when reporters asked him about it Wednesday morning."Yeah, I understand that," he said, "but I think $100,000 is still a lot of money from an Ontario family's perspective. And I think they appreciate the transparency associated with this."Neither the Conservatives nor the NDP wants to see the cutoff raised either.But NDP leader Andrea Horwath thinks something else should change.As things stand, the list gives total figures for each person's taxable pay and benefits but does not break them down to show what portion was a performance bonus, for example, or the cost of a company car."I think the sunshine list should be made very, very clear," Horwath said."People should be able to see what the salary is, what the bonus is and perks are of all of the top executives and all of the people, frankly, that make that list. Taxpayers should be able to see exactly who's making what and in what kind of categories."As CBC News reported on Tuesday, performance pay for public sector workers can still go up over the next 2 years, despite the salary freeze announced in last week's budget.

回复: Sunshine list - 看不明白就算了,免得郁闷多拿点就算了,换PR卡、入籍申请处理就快一点如何?

回复: Sunshine list - 看不明白就算了,免得郁闷where is BC's list?

回复: Sunshine list - 看不明白就算了,免得郁闷那天去法庭观摩,那个法官说他们平均年薪在20多万呢

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