加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教:70岁老人去班芙会不会产生高原反应啊?



[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 请教:70岁老人去班芙会不会产生高原反应啊?没那么严重,去年我父亲也是这个岁数去的,玩得高兴着呢。

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回复: 请教:70岁老人去班芙会不会产生高原反应啊?不会的,那里海拔高度并不高。

回复: 请教:70岁老人去班芙会不会产生高原反应啊?我爸妈都有心脏病,我妈还有高血压。他们长期生活在江浙平原,就怕到了山里会不适应。可是我又很想带他们去,毕竟难得来一趟。怎么办呢?

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]我爸妈都有心脏病,我妈还有高血压。他们长期生活在江浙平原,就怕到了山里会不适应。可是我又很想带他们去,毕竟难得来一趟。怎么办呢?点击展开...看看这个:海拔1500M-2200Mhttp://disabled-travelers-safety-health.suite101.com/article.cfm/altitude_facts_banffA Banff Tour Operator Comments on the Altitude Effect Here's how Brewster describe themselves: "Brewster is an integrated tourism company consisting of Inbound Tours (Independent & Group), Charter & Sightseeing Motorcoach, Western Canada's two largest Attractions (Banff Gondola & Columbia Icefield Glacier Experience), Hotels (Mount Royal Hotel & Icefield Chalet) and Brewster Travel agencies." Robert Coté commented on the altitude at two places. The Columbia Icefields location is a very popular stopping point on the highway between Banff and Jasper, Alberta. This is a place where the massive glacier comes down close to the highway, and you can see first-hand what the great ice sheets are like. The views are stunning all along that highway, called the Icefields Parkway. Brewster operates the Columbia Icefield Glacier Experience, which takes visitors onto the glacier in a special vehicle for a close-up look. The Banff Gondola, five minutes from the Banff townsite, takes visitors up Sulphur Mountain in a 4-passenger aerial gondola (like a ski lift), and again, the mountain views are spectacular during the ride and at the top of Sulphur Mountain. Mr. Coté said, "The elevation of both the Columbia Icefield Turnaround Point and the Upper Terminal of the Banff Gondola are very close at around 7,000 & 7,486 feet or 2,210 & 2,281 metres respectively above sea level. For most people this is not an excessive elevation; however, the air is thinner and does have an impact on individuals who are not acclimatized. Another factor is that we live in a very arid climate and people need to be conscious about staying sufficiently hydrated. Health Recommendations for Travellers 'What we recommend to anyone who suffers from poor general health, respiratory or heart problems is to speak to their doctor who is qualified and knowledgeable to advise them on whether or not they should consider venturing to these altitudes." Mr. Coté also included some geographical statistics about the Athabasca Glacier where Brewster operates the Columbia Icefield Glacier Experience and for the Banff Gondola to the top of Sulphur Mountain in Banff. Elevation Above Sea Level for Athabasca Glacier and Banff Sulphur Mountain Gondola ATHABASCA GLACIER Icefall: 2700m (8900 ft) Ice Explorer turn around: 2210 m (7000 ft) Toe: 1965 m (6300 ft) BANFF GONDOLA: Lower Terminal Elevation: 1,583 m (5,194 feet) above sea level Upper Terminal Elevation: 2,281 m (7,486 feet) above sea level Total Elevation Gain: 698 m (2,292 feet) The Total Elevation Gain shown by Robert Coté's numbers is from the bottom to the top of the gondola. For visitors who come from Calgary on the day of the trip, the elevation gain on the day is more, about 1,100 metres, or about 3,930 feet. If you are discussing the trip with your doctor, include the Calgary details if you plan to make the visit to Banff while based in Calgary.​

[账户休眠中] 赞反馈:cqq 2010-05-06#7 cqq 1,293 $0.00 回复: 请教:70岁老人去班芙会不会产生高原反应啊?谢谢鱼香肉丝,你的信息很有用。我们会三思而行的。


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