加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息小孩独自回国需要注意什么?



Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?给她准备个不离身的小包,把所有证件放里面,叮嘱什么都可以丢,就是证件不能丢。

彷徨中赞反馈:pleasures 2010-08-07#3 P 949 $0.00 回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?终于看到有人回复了,加分分

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?比较担心她回来时填写申报单,应该不会有问题吧?当妈的可能多虑了

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?我也很想知道这个问题!我们也准备了一种方案,就是我们长登,女儿短登,一个人回国继续读书!可是她只有8岁,不知道飞机上有没有这种托付服务!

回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?我也很想知道这个问题!我们也准备了一种方案,就是我们长登,女儿短登,一个人回国继续读书!可是她只有8岁,不知道飞机上有没有这种托付服务!点击展开...据我所知不行,必须12岁以上。不如让孩子直接在这里上学

回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?给她多带点钱,其他没什么办法的~~


回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?12岁以下有托管服务的,具体不清楚。如果英语好的话,申报表没问题的。同时也可以问同行的人,都会帮忙的。我孩子13岁开始独自出行的。很锻炼能力的,不用太担心。

彷徨中回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?谢谢LS的

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.女儿14岁,一人回国,尽管平时还蛮独立的,但我还是有点不放心,本想给她找个同行的,但她又不乐意,想想早晚有这么一天,就由她吧。 请问家园里哪位TX的小孩独自走过?需要注意点什么?多谢点击展开... 去年圣诞节我女儿独自回去过,早点到温哥华机场找到“Unaccompanied minors”的柜台,100元加币办理托管服务,他们用车送需要托管的孩子和老人直接进入安检,替你收管孩子的身份证件,你需要给他在国内机场接送人的联系方式和身份证件,到了国内机场后,联系到接送人后验明正身才转给孩子,很安全的。 我孩子回去不到13岁,17岁以前都有的。 如果不办理托管服务让孩子自己回去,到了国内的大机场,出站口那么混乱,就怕孩子出去失散。孩子在加拿大警惕性又差,国内有那么乱,公开抢孩子、拐卖孩子的事情网上也屡见报导,决不可掉以轻心,一定要办理这个服务的! Unaccompanied minorshttp://www.aircanada.com/en/travelinfo/before/youngtravellers/minors.htmlMore than 10,000 young travelers fly unaccompanied with Air Canada each year. And regardless of whether they're travelling on a short flight, or are embarking on a longer journey, our Unaccompanied Minor (UM) service ensures that children travelling alone receive the best of care, and are escorted by our highly-trained staff from the moment they arrive at airport check-in until they reach their destination.Eligible flights The Unaccompanied Minor (UM) service is available only on non-stop flight operated by: Air Canada and Jazz andTier 3 flights Central Mountain Air (CMA) - Flight series 7200-7300 Air Georgian (GX) - Flight series 7350-7499 Exploits Valley Air (8K) - Flight series 7615-7649.Important: The service is not available for connecting flights or codeshare flights. Age restrictions Under age 8 Not available Children under age 8 must be accompanied by an adult age 16 or older when travelling.The accompanying adult must occupy a seat in the same cabin as the young child.8 to 11 years (inclusively) Mandatory The UM service is mandatory for children age 8 to 11 who are travelling alone.12 to 17 years Optional The UM service is available but is considered optional for youth ages 12 to 17 that are travelling alone.If a parent or guardian requests the UM service for a youth age 12 to 17, the same restrictions apply with regard to connecting and code share flights, as described above.Unaccompanied minors may not travel with a pet in the cabin.Youths age 16 and over may act as accompanying adults for minors (age 11 years or less).Service fees and mealsA service fee of $100 CAD/USD each way per child per flight applies, regardless of fare selected.If your child age 8 to 17 is travelling as an unaccompanied minor on a flight offering only OnBoard Café service, the price of a meal or hot snack is included in the service fee charged for the special care of your child. Complimentary non alcoholic beverages are always available on all our flights. And complimentary meal service is available for all passengers travelling in: Executive and Executive First class,International Economy Class, except on flights to/from Sun and Caribbean locations (OnBoard Café service is available on those flights).Important: On May 1, 2010, Air Canada transitioned to credit card only cabins (excludes Jazz).If onboard credit card payment is not an option for your child yet you'd like to obtain a meal or snack for them for their flight, you can pre-purchase convenient OnBoard Café vouchers online at any time up to one (1) hour before your child's flight. How to request the UM serviceContact Air Canada Reservations or your travel agent to let them know your child will be travelling alone. You will be given details about our special services and what procedures are involved when a child is travelling unaccompanied. Please also advise of any medical concerns we should know about your child.Advance seat selection:Does your child like to sit by the window? With our advance seat selection you can reserve a seat in your child's favorite area in the aircraft. When you make the reservation, make sure to request advance seat selection for your child. Preparing your childCarefully explain the details of the trip to your child in advance--this will make the experience less stressful for everyone.Make sure your child is well-rested.Ensure your child has a carry-on bag containing a snack and favorite item(s) in case of a delay.Make sure the parent/guardian meeting your child at their destination is aware of all flight details and the formalities of the UM service.If you have questions on how to plan for your child's trip, please contact Air Canada Reservations or your travel agent. At the airport When you arrive at the airport, head for the Air Canada counter to begin check-in formalities. You will first be asked to provide identification for your child:For travel within Canada, children under 18 years of age may present a birth certificate, health card, passport or other government-issued identification.For flights to and from the United-States as well as international flights, a passport is required.See our travel documents and travelling with an infant or child pages for more information.You will then be asked to complete a "Request for Carriage" form, which is attached to an envelope bearing the letters "UM." The form contains:Your child's identification and flight number,The name(s) and contact information of the person(s) who will meet your child at his/her destination, andThe authorizing signature of your child's parent or guardian.The envelope will remain in the care of an Air Canada agent, and serves as a document holder for your child's passport, airline ticket, emergency numbers, and Customs documentation. Even after an Air Canada agent has taken your child into their care, you must remain at the airport until the flight has departed. More FAQsWhat happens once I've handed my child over to the Air Canada agent? All children travelling alone are always made to board ahead of the other passengers. This gives your child time to settle in comfortably and ask the flight attendant any questions s/he may have about the flight.The agent will provide your child with a UM lanyard (hang-tag) so that he/she may be easily identified by airport staff as an Unaccompanied Minor.The agent will accompany your child through the security check and proceed to the boarding gate area. In some airports, parents/guardians are permitted to escort their children to the departure gate. Please see the section below for more information, or refer to the local Airport Authority website.Once boarding is announced, your child will be escorted to the aircraft ahead of other passengers. S/he will be greeted by the In-flight Service Director who will guide your child to an assigned seat.Upon arrival at your child's destination, the In-flight Service Director will help your child disembark, and will hand them over to an airport agent. This agent will escort your child to the Arrivals section to meet the person designated on the UM envelope.The person meeting your child will be asked for photo identification, and will sign the UM envelope, accepting responsibility for the child.Close Can I escort my child to the boarding gate? Escorting an unaccompanied minor is permitted at select airports only. Please refer to the local Airport Authority website or see an Air Canada representative at check-in. Where permitted, only one (1) parent or one (1) guardian may accompany the child to the gate. The parent or guardian may be required to fill out a "Passenger Escort Form," and show photo identification.If a parent or guardian is unable to escort the child, Air Canada will provide the escort.Close Are there special rules for flights to the United States? Yes. Due to security regulations, the passenger escort service is not available for flights to the U.S. In this case, an Air Canada agent will escort the child to the gate. Close When can I leave the airport? Parents or guardians must remain in the airport until the flight has departed. Close


回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?谢谢蜜儿爸

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?千万注意国内的交通。我媳妇的表弟上个月回国,根本过不去马路,他都18岁了。安全最重要

一命二运三风水,四积功德五读书;六名七相八敬神,九交贵人十养生;十一择业与择偶,十二趋吉要避凶。回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?这里有人送到机场进安检, 国内有人接机, 而且接机的人牢靠, 应该没有问题的!

留学前后的困惑,一定可以在这里找到答案:加拿大-放飞梦想, 留学QQ群:164627935, 欢迎大家来分享!回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?上来汇报一下,我女儿已平安到达,她坚持不找同行的,不办托管服务,就要自己走,想想她平时蛮独立,就答应了,但还是有点忐忑,直到半夜打去电话,已顺利出关,还在飞机上买了两条烟给舅舅,看来是大了。临走前一天女儿就一直唠叨,我走了你一个人要好好吃饭,天天吃,顿顿吃,开车要慢,记着钥匙、手机、钱包,上了飞机关手机前还在不断发短信叮嘱我,忽然感觉孩子一下长大了好多谢谢楼上的各位,有机会就给孩子锻炼吧,孩子不像我们想象的那么“孩子”

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?感动~~

回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?上来汇报一下,我女儿已平安到达,她坚持不找同行的,不办托管服务,就要自己走,想想她平时蛮独立,就答应了,但还是有点忐忑,直到半夜打去电话,已顺利出关,还在飞机上买了两条烟给舅舅,看来是大了。临走前一天女儿就一直唠叨,我走了你一个人要好好吃饭,天天吃,顿顿吃,开车要慢,记着钥匙、手机、钱包,上了飞机关手机前还在不断发短信叮嘱我,忽然感觉孩子一下长大了好多 谢谢楼上的各位,有机会就给孩子锻炼吧,孩子不像我们想象的那么“孩子”点击展开...真是好孩子

人生梦想: 看遍天下美景, 尝遍人间佳肴http://blog.sina.com.cn/jinghuiyu回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?恭喜,孩子又进了一大步!

彷徨中回复: 小孩独自回国需要注意什么?是呢不用担心,我15岁的时候也自己坐20几个小时的火车玩去了,不过也是有姐姐接站啦~

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