加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息紧急求助:人在加境外,如何更改入籍考试时间
在加境外休假,通知入籍考试时间仍不能如期返回,不想为此更改行程,如何通知更改考试时间?唯一的一个联络号码只能在加境内拨打。 该怎么办,紧急求助!!! 谢谢!
推荐经济实惠家庭“万能”修理工604-816-1605http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=425961在加境外休假,通知入籍考试时间仍不能如期返回,不想为此更改行程,如何通知更改考试时间?唯一的一个联络号码只能在加境内拨打。 该怎么办,紧急求助!!! 谢谢!点击展开...无论任何原因,错过了至少要等18个月。
回复: 紧急求助:人在加境外,如何更改入籍考试时间无论任何原因,错过了至少要等18个月。点击展开...真的吗,请问这是哪里得到的信息啊? 论坛里没有更改过考试时间的TZ吗?请帮个忙吧。
推荐经济实惠家庭“万能”修理工604-816-1605http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=425961无论任何原因,错过了至少要等18个月。点击展开...这个回答不准确,又不是你的案子CLOSE了。如果你不参加考试又不请假,你还有两次INTERVIEW的机会。 Frequently asked questions:Applying for citizenship The citizenship test What happens if I miss my scheduled citizenship test, my interview with a citizenship judge or my scheduled ceremony?We will mail you letters telling you when and where to go for your citizenship test and for your citizenship ceremony.If you do not appear for your scheduled citizenship test, we will mail you a letter telling you that because you missed your citizenship test, you are now scheduled to appear for an interview with a citizenship judge.If you miss that interview, another interview will be scheduled for you and you will receive a notice of that second scheduled date by registered mail.If you do not attend the second scheduled interview, your file will be closed.If you do not attend the citizenship ceremony and do not contact the citizenship office within 60 days, your file will be closed. You will then have to fill out another application form and pay the fee to go through the entire process again. What if I cannot attend the citizenship test I am scheduled for? Notify the citizenship office immediately and another citizenship test will be scheduled as soon as possible. If you do not appear for the test and do not notify the citizenship office, you will be scheduled for an interview with a citizenship judge. You will receive two notices to appear for an interview:The first notice will be sent to you by regular mail advising of the date and time for an interview.If you do not appear for the interview on the scheduled time and date, a second and final notice will be sent to you by registered mail. This second notice will give you a new time and date for an interview to occur at least seven days later.If you do not appear at this second scheduled date and time for an interview, your application will be considered abandoned and your file will be closed. You will then have to fill out another application form and pay the fee to go through the entire process again.
24小时新浪微博上找俺、悄俺、互粉http://weibo.com/u/2756378825?wvr=3.6&lf=reg这个回答不准确,又不是你的案子CLOSE了。如果你不参加考试又不请假,你还有两次INTERVIEW的机会。 Frequently asked questions:Applying for citizenship The citizenship test What happens if I miss my scheduled citizenship test, my interview with a citizenship judge or my scheduled ceremony? We will mail you letters telling you when and where to go for your citizenship test and for your citizenship ceremony.If you do not appear for your scheduled citizenship test, we will mail you a letter telling you that because you missed your citizenship test, you are now scheduled to appear for an interview with a citizenship judge.If you miss that interview, another interview will be scheduled for you and you will receive a notice of that second scheduled date by registered mail.If you do not attend the second scheduled interview, your file will be closed.If you do not attend the citizenship ceremony and do not contact the citizenship office within 60 days, your file will be closed. You will then have to fill out another application form and pay the fee to go through the entire process again.What if I cannot attend the citizenship test I am scheduled for? Notify the citizenship office immediately and another citizenship test will be scheduled as soon as possible. If you do not appear for the test and do not notify the citizenship office, you will be scheduled for an interview with a citizenship judge. You will receive two notices to appear for an interview:The first notice will be sent to you by regular mail advising of the date and time for an interview.If you do not appear for the interview on the scheduled time and date, a second and final notice will be sent to you by registered mail. This second notice will give you a new time and date for an interview to occur at least seven days later.If you do not appear at this second scheduled date and time for an interview, your application will be considered abandoned and your file will be closed. You will then have to fill out another application form and pay the fee to go through the entire process again.点击展开...非常感谢蜜儿爸的回帖!
推荐经济实惠家庭“万能”修理工604-816-1605http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=425961回复: 紧急求助:人在加境外,如何更改入籍考试时间收藏
回复: 紧急求助:人在加境外,如何更改入籍考试时间号召大家学习蜜儿爸,官方网站上的信息权威且全面,为什么不去查一查呢?
回复: 紧急求助:人在加境外,如何更改入籍考试时间号召大家学习蜜儿爸,官方网站上的信息权威且全面,为什么不去查一查呢?点击展开...英文不会。
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。在加境外休假,通知入籍考试时间仍不能如期返回,不想为此更改行程,如何通知更改考试时间?唯一的一个联络号码只能在加境内拨打。 该怎么办,紧急求助!!! 谢谢!点击展开...找你在加拿大的亲人朋友帮你去注册一个freephoneline的温哥华号码,通过网络用这个号码打给CIC更改考试时间。http://www.freephoneline.ca/
回复: 紧急求助:人在加境外,如何更改入籍考试时间请问下LZ,您申请的日期是什么时候呀?想算下排期考试要多久,谢谢。
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