如果有急事要回国怎么办?如果要开车去美国购物观光 或者 去欧洲旅游怎么办? 现在看来要打持久战了,要193个日子处理。
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?好像是这样。如果你递交申请续枫叶卡的时候,你的枫叶卡没有过期,此时你是不用上交枫叶卡,换言之,你有枫叶卡,当然在过期之前你能用。但是,如果在你递交申请续枫叶卡的时候,枫叶卡已经过期,是的,你要同时上交枫叶卡,你在等待期间没有枫叶卡。
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?如果现在没过期, 但等待期间过期了, 怎么办?哪里能办临时应急的吗?
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?如果现在没过期, 但等待期间过期了, 怎么办?哪里能办临时应急的吗?点击展开...有关更新枫叶卡的信息,官网链接如下:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/prcard.asp注意以下要求:Assessing your eligibilityTo be eligible for a PR Card, you must: be a permanent resident of Canada; be physically present in Canada; not be under an effective removal order; not be a Canadian citizen or a registered Indian under the Indian Act; and not be convicted of an offense related to the misuse of a PR card.Permanent Residents outside of Canada申请更新枫叶卡时,人必须在加拿大。If you are currently outside Canada and do not have a valid PR Card to return to Canada, you will need to obtain a travel document from a Canadian visa office. An application is available on our Web site at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/travel.asp.Once you have returned to Canada, you should apply for a PR Card.这段好像是指,如果人在国外,但枫叶卡过期,可以申请一个travel document,可以回加拿大。但想必,其前提是要符合最近五年在加拿大二年的基本要求,才能申请这个文件回到加拿大吧。
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?如果有急事要回国怎么办?如果要开车去美国购物观光 或者 去欧洲旅游怎么办? 现在看来要打持久战了,要193个日子处理。点击展开...你可以去任何地方,出去没有问题,问题是如何再进来. 和我一起去美国的同伴中,有一人枫叶卡过期,新卡正在申请中。他持移民纸,自驾车(要加拿大的车牌号),从陆路进入加拿大,没有问题。
移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?听说travel document都有被拒的,没有理由。
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]你可以去任何地方,出去没有问题,问题是如何再进来. 和我一起去美国的同伴中,有一人枫叶卡过期,新卡正在申请中。他持申请回执,自驾车(要加拿大的车牌号),从陆路进入加拿大,没有问题。点击展开...我怎么没有申请回执?
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?我怎么没有申请回执?点击展开...不用的。美国陆路来回的话,1.旧枫叶卡,不管是否过期,都可以用。2.为保险起见,带上移民纸,肯定可以从陆路进出。CBSA网站上有明确的解答。
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。 赏
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?哦,太好了,那我也能出去罗?哈哈,开心哦。我回头圣诞节去买衣服,谢谢,加SW了。评论
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?不用的。美国陆路来回的话,1.旧枫叶卡,不管是否过期,都可以用。2.为保险起见,带上移民纸,肯定可以从陆路进出。CBSA网站上有明确的解答。点击展开...谢谢纠正!
移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548哦,太好了,那我也能出去罗?哈哈,开心哦。我回头圣诞节去买衣服,谢谢,加SW了。点击展开...不是吧,不要弄错啦。如果你是指去美国,应该可以。人家是去美国驾车陆路来回,凭移民纸。坐飞机去美国,都还没有确认的可靠信息,是否可行呢。如果你回中国,那你如何再入境加拿大?恐怕凭移民纸不行的吧,至少没听说过,否则地球人都这样做了。
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?不是吧,不要弄错啦。如果你是指去美国,应该可以。人家是去美国驾车陆路来回,凭移民纸。坐飞机去美国,都还没有确认的可靠信息,是否可行呢。如果你回中国,那你如何再入境加拿大?恐怕凭移民纸不行的吧,至少没听说过,否则地球人都这样做了。点击展开...我开车去美国呀,不坐飞机好了。
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?不用的。美国陆路来回的话,1.旧枫叶卡,不管是否过期,都可以用。2.为保险起见,带上移民纸,肯定可以从陆路进出。CBSA网站上有明确的解答。点击展开...移民局网上的回答: Do I need a permanent resident card if I'm returning to Canada by car? No matter how you travel back to Canada, all permanent residents entering Canada must satisfy the border services officer that they have valid permanent resident status. A valid permanent resident card is the best proof of your status. If you do not present your card when you return to Canada, you may be asked to show one of the following documents: * a completed Confirmation of Permanent Residence form; * the original Record of Landing (if it is dated 1973 or later); * a passport stamped with the date you were granted permanent residence (if your Record of Landing is dated 1972 or earlier); * a certified true copy of a Record of Landing document issued by CIC National Headquarters; or * a letter issued by CIC National Headquarters attesting to your permanent resident status. The border services officer may also need to confirm your permanent resident status by asking you questions and checking our information systems.? If you wish to return to Canada and don’t have a valid Permanent Resident Card, you will need to obtain a permanent resident travel document from a Canadian visa office abroad. For a list of visa offices, go to Find a CIC office in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page. An application kit is available in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page. Once you return to Canada, you should apply for a Permanent Resident Card.
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Do I need a permanent resident card if I'm returning to Canada by car[/font] [FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']No matter how you travel back to Canada, all permanent residents entering Canada [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']must[/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'] satisfy the border services officer that they have valid permanent resident status. A valid permanent resident card is the best proof of your status. [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']If you do not present your card when you return to Canada, you may be asked to show one of the following documents:[/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']a completed Confirmation of Permanent Residence form; [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']the original Record of Landing (if it is dated 1973 or later); [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']a passport stamped with the date you were granted permanent residence (if your Record of Landing is dated 1972 or earlier); [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']a certified true copy of a Record of Landing document issued by [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']CIC[/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'] National Headquarters; or [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']a letter issued by [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']CIC[/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'] National Headquarters attesting to your permanent resident status. [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']The border services officer may also need to confirm your permanent resident status by asking you questions and checking our information systems. [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']If you wish to return to Canada and don’t have a valid Permanent Resident Card, you will need to obtain a permanent resident travel document from a Canadian visa office abroad. For a list of visa offices, go to [/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Find a CIC office[/font][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'] in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page. An application kit is available in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page. Once you return to Canada, you should apply for a Permanent Resident Card.[/font]点击展开...老大,这就是传说中的天书吗
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?“* a completed Confirmation of Permanent Residence form; * the original Record of Landing (if it is dated 1973 or later); * a passport stamped with the date you were granted permanent residence (if your Record of Landing is dated 1972 or earlier); * a certified true copy of a Record of Landing document issued by CIC National Headquarters; or * a letter issued by CIC National Headquarters attesting to your permanent resident status.”是不是其中第一项是指移民纸?
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?嗯,那应该没问题。因为有网友的先例。不过,最好你出发前,问过有关部门,或者在官网上看到具体的官方规定,更稳妥些,心里有底。因为加拿大政策有时也多变,移民政策、入籍考试合格分等等,见多了。小心为妙哦。点击展开...恩,谢谢,去之前再研究研究,挖哈哈。如果坐火车是不是也可以?
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?“* a completed Confirmation of Permanent Residence form; * the original Record of Landing (if it is dated 1973 or later); * a passport stamped with the date you were granted permanent residence (if your Record of Landing is dated 1972 or earlier); * a certified true copy of a Record of Landing document issued by CIC National Headquarters; or * a letter issued by CIC National Headquarters attesting to your permanent resident status.”是不是其中第一项是指移民纸?点击展开...是,第二是个。
回复: 续枫叶卡期间,没卡如何离加?是,第二是个。点击展开...那就应该放心了,按那个说明,另外顶多移民局再问你几个问题。好像带上你的中国护照更好,如果是没有更新过的那本,上面有你原来的加拿大移民签证。参考要求文件中的第三项。哦,对了,去美国本来就要护照的。讲了废话。
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