加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Urgent!!! US visa payment form please!!
I am so frustrated that I could not find the payment form (MRV) to make a cash payment at Scotiabank from US Visa website. Can anybody please send me the link for this form so that I can print and bring it to the bank? Thank you!!
回复: Urgent!!! US visa payment form please!!Fee Payment Options: By Telephone:Call our service to pay by Visa, MasterCard or American Express using an interactive voice system.Click here for telephone numbers and other access information. Once the credit card information is approved, the caller will be provided a confirmation number.This confirmation number is required to submit the visa application and schedule an appointment.The caller must write down the confirmation number, as there will not be a way to retrieve it later. Cash at Scotiabank, PayPal Online, or Credit Card Online:Please log into the Web site using the applicant's passport number, date of birth and nationality.Follow the Web page instructions to select applicant's trip purpose, preferred Consulate to schedule an appointment, and other pertinent details related to the visa application.While following the steps on the Web site, the applicant will be asked to either make a payment or to confirm the payment has already been made by using a "MRV Fee Receipt Number."Payment can be made using the following options:Credit Card: Visa, MasterCard, or American ExpressPlease select the appropriate card from the provided list.Follow directions to complete the transaction. Cash at Scotiabank:Please select Scotiabank.Click on the "PDF" link next to the "MRV Fee Receipt Number" box.Print the electronic generated deposit slip for each applicant.Complete the relevant information.Take the deposit slip(s) to the bank and pay.The "MRV Fee Receipt Number" is located at the button of the Scotiabank deposit slip in the "serial number" field.Note: Each applicant requires a separate "serial number." Return to this Web site and enter the "MRV Fee Receipt Number" when asked to provide it. PayPal:Click on the "PayPal" link next to the "MRV Fee Receipt Number" box..Print the transaction confirmation.Return to this Web site and enter the "MRV Fee Receipt Number," which is the transaction ID.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。Fee Payment Options:By Telephone:Call our service to pay by Visa, MasterCard or American Express using an interactive voice system.Click here for telephone numbers and other access information.Once the credit card information is approved, the caller will be provided a confirmation number.This confirmation number is required to submit the visa application and schedule an appointment.The caller must write down the confirmation number, as there will not be a way to retrieve it later.Cash at Scotiabank, PayPal Online, or Credit Card Online:Please log into the Web site using the applicant's passport number, date of birth and nationality.Follow the Web page instructions to select applicant's trip purpose, preferred Consulate to schedule an appointment, and other pertinent details related to the visa application.While following the steps on the Web site, the applicant will be asked to either make a payment or to confirm the payment has already been made by using a "MRV Fee Receipt Number."Payment can be made using the following options:Credit Card: Visa, MasterCard, or American ExpressPlease select the appropriate card from the provided list.Follow directions to complete the transaction.Cash at Scotiabank:Please select Scotiabank.Click on the "PDF" link next to the "MRV Fee Receipt Number" box.Print the electronic generated deposit slip for each applicant.Complete the relevant information.Take the deposit slip(s) to the bank and pay.The "MRV Fee Receipt Number" is located at the button of the Scotiabank deposit slip in the "serial number" field.Note: Each applicant requires a separate "serial number."Return to this Web site and enter the "MRV Fee Receipt Number" when asked to provide it.PayPal:Click on the "PayPal" link next to the "MRV Fee Receipt Number" box..Print the transaction confirmation.Return to this Web site and enter the "MRV Fee Receipt Number," which is the transaction ID.点击展开... Thank you for your quick response. The problem is how I can print that slip since I will make cash payment at bank. I need to get the payment code number ready before I book an appoitment.
回复: Urgent!!! US visa payment form please!!现在付款是有点问题啊
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]回复: Urgent!!! US visa payment form please!!可以试试直接去scotia bank交钱,跟他们说你没有form,他们应该可以给你打一份。上次我去交的时候自己带了form,可是teller说我交钱的头一天美领馆更新了付款标准所以我带的form不适用了,他们在网上找到新的form打印给我当场填的。
回复: Urgent!!! US visa payment form please!!我刚帮别人做过新系统的美签,还有点印象。你还是应该进去那个预约的网站,然后选择付款方式时选择scotia bank的,然后转页过去以后,就是你说的他让你填code的旁边就写着一个PDF,点进去就是你需要的slip,打印三份去交钱。。。
赏 我刚帮别人做过新系统的美签,还有点印象。你还是应该进去那个预约的网站,然后选择付款方式时选择scotia bank的,然后转页过去以后,就是你说的他让你填code的旁边就写着一个PDF,点进去就是你需要的slip,打印三份去交钱。。。点击展开...是的,上面也这么说。但是,预约前,得有缴费SLIP的CODE NUMBER。 不过,你做过,也许对的。我现在试一下。 非常谢谢!
赏 可以试试直接去scotia bank交钱,跟他们说你没有form,他们应该可以给你打一份。上次我去交的时候自己带了form,可是teller说我交钱的头一天美领馆更新了付款标准所以我带的form不适用了,他们在网上找到新的form打印给我当场填的。点击展开...谢谢! 我今天也打了电话,说是银行可以打印表。主要是我没时间去,打算填了表让孩子帮我交一下。不过,我试试下面朋友介绍的方法。
赏 是的,上面也这么说。但是,预约前,得有缴费SLIP的CODE NUMBER。 不过,你做过,也许对的。我现在试一下。 非常谢谢!点击展开...对,就是打印那个form,然后去交钱,交钱完了再重新进入那个页面填上上那个 form最下面的那个no.,程序就可以继续往下面预约时间了....
赏 对,就是打印那个form,然后去交钱,交钱完了再重新进入那个页面填上上那个 form最下面的那个no.,程序就可以继续往下面预约时间了....点击展开...好象得先完成160才行,是吧?
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