加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息让大家看一段在线翻译,太好笑了!
Draw your belly button into your spine (without holding your breath) to engage your abdominals and help to flatten them. Hold it for 30 seconds and then relax. Work up to holding it for a full minute (or two). 三个在线译文都作以下翻译: 绘图(不屏住呼吸)你到你的脊椎肚脐从事你的腹部,并帮助他们压扁。保持30秒钟,然后放松。持有工作长达一分钟(或二)它。
回复: 让大家看一段在线翻译,太好笑了!哈,这不是绘图了。。。喷了
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]回复: 让大家看一段在线翻译,太好笑了!1. Go to google translation 2. type: "will justin bieber ever reach puberty? " from english to vietnamese 3. from vietnamese to english
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