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Laurus nobilis是月桂树.Laurels也是月桂请问这2种树是一样的吗?谢谢.
回复: 英文名词请教http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_LaurelThe bay laurel (Laurus nobilis, of the plant family Lauraceae), also known as sweet bay, bay tree, true laurel, Grecian laurel, laurel tree, or simply laurel, is an aromatic evergreen tree or large shrub with green, glossy leaves, native to the Mediterranean region. It is the source of the bay leaf used in cooking. Under the simpler name "laurel," Laurus nobilis figures prominently in classical Greek, Roman, and Biblical culture.Worldwide, many other kinds of plants in diverse families are also called "bay" or "laurel," generally due to similarity of foliage or aroma to Laurus nobilis, and the full name is used for the California bay laurel (Umbellularia), also in the family Lauraceae.
回复: 英文名词请教谢谢NICE-GUY, 真是NICE GUY.可是卖树的说她卖的LAURELS不是Laurus nobilis,后一种能开花, 树皮可吃. 她的只能做围墙.
铁蛋宝宝 说:谢谢NICE-GUY, 真是NICE GUY.可是卖树的说她卖的LAURELS不是Laurus nobilis,后一种能开花, 树皮可吃. 她的只能做围墙.点击展开...说不定就是Califonia Bay Laurels, 这种树只做观赏http://baike.baidu.com/view/18793.htm
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