请教各位好家长, 好同学,有没有人知道多伦多大学engineering入学英语成绩计算方式呢?我自己参加的说明会(两个月前了)和孩子参加的说明会(这几天)听到的不同,家长感到有点混淆.我孩子说他听到的是,若雅思成绩达标, 高中英语12可以不纳入平均成绩计算,学校英语成绩部分就以雅思成绩取代.有没有也申请engineering的家长或同学听到这样的讯息呢?不知道是否没找对页面,我在多伦多大学招生网站上没找到这样的讯息.两种不同计算方法对于孩子的总平均差别挺大,虽然孩子要我放心,他没听错,但是做妈妈的还是悄悄的不放心,
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式是这个吗?How many years have you studied in an English language school system in a country where the dominant language is English? If your first language is a language other than English or French and you have studied in an English language school system in a country where the dominant language is English for four years or more of full-time study achieving satisfactory academic progress, you are not required to provide proof of English facility. Instead, you must include Grade 12 English ENG4U/EAE4U (or an equivalent course) among the courses you offer for admission. If your first language is a language other than English or French and you have less than four years of full-time study achieving satisfactory academic progress, you must present proof of English facility. If your first language is French and you have four years or more of full-time study in a Canadian school system achieving satisfactory academic progress, you are not required to provide proof of English facility. Instead, you must include Grade 12 English ENG4U/EAE4U (or an equivalent course) among the courses you offer for admission. If your first language is French and you have less than four years of full-time study achieving satisfactory academic progress in a Canadian school system, you must present proof of English facility. If your first language is English, you are not required to provide proof of English facility. Instead, you must include Grade 12 English ENG4U/EAE4U (or an equivalent course) among the courses you offer for admission. If you are uncertain whether or not you will be required to take an English facility test, contact Admissions and Awards for a ruling. Remember that if you are required to present an English facility test, you must submit an acceptable result by our document deadlines.============================================http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm-awards/admissions/info/p1.action?domain=adm&page=ept
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。 赏
Faith. Hope. Charity.
2,828 $0.00 回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式你的孩子听得没错。如果他的雅思达到了多大的标准,他就不需要再交ENG12的成绩了。当然了,他还是需要ENG12从高中毕业的"If you are a student in a Canadian high school and are required to present an acceptable English language test result you are exempted from this requirement and may present another appropriate level academic Grade 12 course in place of English. " (http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm-awards/admissions/info/p1.action?domain=adm&page=ept)加拿大大学那么好进的,不要紧张啦。评论
你只管在上主內喜歡,祂必滿全你心的意願。 (聖詠集37:4)是这个吗?How many years have you studied in an English language school system in a country where the dominant language is English? If your first language is a language other than English or French and you have studied in an English language school system in a country where the dominant language is English for four years or more of full-time study achieving satisfactory academic progress, you are not required to provide proof of English facility. Instead, you must include Grade 12 English ENG4U/EAE4U (or an equivalent course) among the courses you offer for admission. If your first language is a language other than English or French and you have less than four years of full-time study achieving satisfactory academic progress, you must present proof of English facility. If your first language is French and you have four years or more of full-time study in a Canadian school system achieving satisfactory academic progress, you are not required to provide proof of English facility. Instead, you must include Grade 12 English ENG4U/EAE4U (or an equivalent course) among the courses you offer for admission. If your first language is French and you have less than four years of full-time study achieving satisfactory academic progress in a Canadian school system, you must present proof of English facility. If your first language is English, you are not required to provide proof of English facility. Instead, you must include Grade 12 English ENG4U/EAE4U (or an equivalent course) among the courses you offer for admission. If you are uncertain whether or not you will be required to take an English facility test, contact Admissions and Awards for a ruling. Remember that if you are required to present an English facility test, you must submit an acceptable result by our document deadlines.============================================http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm-awards/admissions/info/p1.action?domain=adm&page=ept点击展开...谢谢您的热心, 孩子雅思已经考了,以雅思取代英语12对他比较有利.
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.你的孩子听得没错。如果他的雅思达到了多大的标准,他就不需要再交ENG12的成绩了。当然了,他还是需要ENG12从高中毕业的"If you are a student in a Canadian high school and are required to present an acceptable English language test result you are exempted from this requirement and may present another appropriate level academic Grade 12 course in place of English. " (http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm-awards/admissions/info/p1.action?domain=adm&page=ept)加拿大大学那么好进的,不要紧张啦。点击展开...谢谢达达,我真是惭愧,要好好相信她的,小孩长大了真不一样呀,刮目相看!我孩子雅思了,考得不错, 8.5.你真是个好青年,而且是有思想有深度的好青年!之前看你的帖子,还想过请您帮她看英语写作,考虑到好多同学需要您帮忙, 就想让她自己练习算了,于是就没行动.不过这里还是要大力赞扬一下你的热心!一样加分分
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式雅思8.5的话,学校12年级英语多少分?
回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式进多伦多很简单的. 比UBC MCGILL WATERLOO都简单个人觉得.
回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式收不收应该是看整体成绩的平均分来断定的吧!如果总体成绩好,英语成绩一般还是会收的。反正10年前,我被收的时候是这样的。当时考的是toefl, 243还是247分,(好像当时要求250)。他们engineering有专门的英语课程,在暑假时间,开学之前,给英文成绩不够的人修读的课程。10年前是这样,现在不知道了。
回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式还有看你写的作文跟课外活动.
回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式谢谢达达,我真是惭愧,要好好相信她的,小孩长大了真不一样呀,刮目相看!我孩子雅思了,考得不错, 8.5.你真是个好青年,而且是有思想有深度的好青年!之前看你的帖子,还想过请您帮她看英语写作,考虑到好多同学需要您帮忙, 就想让她自己练习算了,于是就没行动.不过这里还是要大力赞扬一下你的热心!一样加分分点击展开...雅思8.5分非常高了,这个英语成绩进多大肯定没问题。
你只管在上主內喜歡,祂必滿全你心的意願。 (聖詠集37:4)还有看你写的作文跟课外活动.点击展开...是呀!来得时间短,时间关系,能参加的课外活动也有限,这也是担心的原因之一.以上同学通通加分分了
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.雅思8.5分非常高了,这个英语成绩进多大肯定没问题。点击展开...著著哌哌,因??得晚(好像哌哌也是十一年??的?)??殓上AP等铪外加分疹程,也因?殓晷?,疹外活??加得也不是很多,所以?是?把握,期望一切?利了
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式甭担心了, 加拿大大学入学难度跟美国比简单很多. engineering的话不用太多activities的. 其实一个就long term的就够了. 平均分高的话(92以上)人家都不看你课外活动直接就录还给奖学金.还有AP在加拿大对入学几乎没帮助. 加拿大大学不重视这个,不像美国,高中就几乎把第一年的课学完了...对了别忘记没来够四年去UT不算英语成绩. 英语成绩不会算进平均分里.反正进去很容易就对了.
回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式谢谢达达,我真是惭愧,要好好相信她的,小孩长大了真不一样呀,刮目相看!我孩子雅思了,考得不错, 8.5.你真是个好青年,而且是有思想有深度的好青年!之前看你的帖子,还想过请您帮她看英语写作,考虑到好多同学需要您帮忙, 就想让她自己练习算了,于是就没行动.不过这里还是要大力赞扬一下你的热心!一样加分分点击展开...神一般的人。。。可以出去开班了
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.神一般的人。。。可以出去开班了点击展开...呵呵, 肥蟹呃?真太咿?太掌?了啦,我孩子真雅思比托福??多了, 她?殓不?,所以啉?考雅思.她自己真要是考托福成?可能就.....
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式著著各位同?,分分都加上了!
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式请问如果来了不到4年,报多大的engineering,英语成绩用雅思代替的话,还要提供其他哪几门课的成绩呢?谢谢!
回复: 多?多大?入?英遮成??算方式呵呵, 肥蟹呃?真太咿?太掌?了啦,我孩子真雅思比托福??多了, 她?殓不?,所以啉?考雅思.她自己真要是考托福成?可能就.....点击展开...对的。。。我雅思6.5/9,托福31/120
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