加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Lego四月温哥华店开业


The home of the toy building brick is coming to Vancouver.The Lego Group is reportedly opening its first B.C. Lego store in this spring at Oakridge Centre. Located in the West Galleria by Safeway, the store is scheduled to open on April 15. “We have a lot of families that shop here and we haven’t always had a ton of offerings for them,” said Karina Perkins, marketing director of Oakridge Centre. “Lego is one of those stores that have universal appeal to anyone.”The Lego Group would not confirm the opening of the store on Monday. However, on Dec. 12 it released a job posting on the company website for a store manager in Vancouver.According to the posting, this one-stop shop for Lego lovers will include free monthly mini builds, in-store play and Lego club meetings, according to the posting. Perkins noted the store will be similar to those in other Canadian cities which offer Pick A Brick walls featuring Lego elements in a variety of colours and shapes in bulk and an interactive play area designed for hands-on play.Lego has one store in Calgary and two in Toronto.

回复: Lego四月温哥华店开业好消息啊~

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