加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息科学馆明天(1月29日)对BMO借贷卡和信用卡客户
If you're a BMO customer and you're looking for something to do this upcoming Sunday in the Vancouver area, then you're in luck! At Science World BC this Sunday (January 29), you can get free admission to the Extreme Dinosaurs exhibition. (http://www.scienceworld.ca/dinos) All you have to do is show your BMO debit card or BMO MasterCard at the admission counter. The offer is available in Vancouver only. General adult admission regularly costs $23.50. If you're bringing children (18 years old & under), they too can get in free as long as they are accompanied by an adult BMO customer. The offer is one-time only and excludes admission to the Omnimax Theatre. The Omnimax entry is $5.50 per movie, per person. On Sunday, Science World BC is opened from 10 am to 6 pm. Visit Science World BC's Facebook Page for more details.(https://www.facebook.com/scienceworldca?sk=wall)
回复: 科学馆明天(1月29日)对BMO借贷卡和信用卡客户免入场费很好的信息,谢谢楼主。
回复: 科学馆明天(1月29日)对BMO借贷卡和信用卡客户免入场费感谢,很想去,但愿明天好天气。
晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无回复: 科学馆明天(1月29日)对BMO借贷卡和信用卡客户免入场费科学馆怎么停车的?
回复: 科学馆明天(1月29日)对BMO借贷卡和信用卡客户免入场费想去,可惜没有BMO的卡
不给做广告,不知道写啥好。回复: 科学馆明天(1月29日)对BMO借贷卡和信用卡客户免入场费谢谢,今天刚去,科学馆有停车场不过是收费的,也可以停止对面的街道,只能停2小时
相聚温哥华QQ群,群号: 52560503(欢迎加入)回复: 科学馆明天(1月29日)对BMO借贷卡和信用卡客户免入场费痛心啊,上个星期才结了BMO的帐号。只有LG一个人有,可以便宜一点么?!明天打算带孩子们到唐人街看游行,如果允许的话,可以顺便带他们到科学馆里看看。
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