加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看


[FONT=arial,sans-serif]转发:Canadian Citizenship Application[/FONT] [FONT=arial,sans-serif]An immigrant from China is applying for citizenship in Canada . He is to be interviewed by a Canadian immigration officer. He does not speak English well and knows nothing about Canada . Therefore, he invited a special translator to help him in his interview.[/FONT] 一??自中? 的移民,要申?加拿大 公民; 他不?真英遮,,更不 了解加拿大. ?了移民官的 面?,他?了??翻 诅??忙. Officer: Do you know who was the first Prime Minister of Canada ?官?提?;『??加拿大 的首任?理是侦? [FONT=arial, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=arial, sans-serif]Translator: ( in Cantonese) The officer asked you, Where do you usually go if you want to eat hamburger?[/FONT] 翻诅用??? 真;「移民官?你;『如果你想吃 ?堡,通常你?去哪 彦?? [FONT=arial, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=arial, sans-serif]Man: (answered to the officer) Oh..... McDonald (the first Prime Minister of Canada is Sir John MacDonald.)[/FONT] 申?人?著移 民官回答真; 『噢 ! ???!! (加拿大的 首任?理,叫做Sir John MacDonald.) The officer nodded his head and then asked the second question. 移民官?钷,然後?下一? ?铨; Officer: Could you tell me which province you're living in now?移民官?;「你可以告灾 我,你?在住哪一 省??? [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Translator: (in Cantonese) The officer just asked you, What is the dirtiest thing in your nose? [/FONT]翻诅用??? 真;「移民官?你;『甚?,是你鼻子彦最 篥的?西? 』」 [FONT=arial, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=arial, sans-serif]Man: (replied to the officer in Cantonese) Ah..... Bay See (which means nose dirt in Chinese) (The man lives in the province of British Columbia, commonly known as B.C.)[/FONT]申?人用?? ?回答移民官真; 啊鼻屎!! ! (即中文 鼻子彦的篥?西) (他住在the province of British Columbia, ?费?B.C.???鼻屎同 音) The officer nodded his head again and asked the final question.移民官又?钷,而後?最後? 铨. Officer: Do you know what your privilege is when you become Canadian?移民官?; 「你成?加拿 大公民後,享有甚??利?? [FONT=arial, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=arial, sans-serif]Translator: (in Cantonese) The officer asked you, How does a dog sounds like when it barks?[/FONT]翻诅用??? 真;「移民官?你;『狗吠的?候,叫?是怎???』 」 [FONT=arial, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=arial, sans-serif]Man: (demonstrated the sound to the officer)... Woe, Woe. (Vote, Vote. One of the privileges of a Canadian is the right to vote.)[/FONT]申?人?著移 民官的面,做出狗吠的? 音;Woe, Woe!!(Vote, Vote.) 成?加拿大公 民的特?之一,就是投票(Vote. ) The officer told the man that all the questions were answered correctly, shook hands with him and congratulated him that he had passed the interview to be a Canadian citizen.移民官告灾申 ?人真;所有的?铨都 答?,跟他握手, ?且向他恭 喜,已?通咿成? 加拿大公民的面?了!! 呃位翻诅真? 害! 不但英文好 反?特快 睫??明 更膣能可倨 的就是睫?蓖忠?守、?足客? 所需! 物超所值啊!!

温哥华奶爸赞反馈:娜仁花, 私人订制, 伟丰装修 和 10 其他人 2012-05-04#2 花 488 $0.00 回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。呵呵,好玩

回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。呵呵~~

回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。呵呵,语言是相通的。。

回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。想起麦当劳,盯着鼻屎,汪汪两下,谁也阻止不了我前进的步伐。

早起的虫子被鸟吃回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。呵呵

加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。原来成了加拿大公民就是一只狗啊。。。

人生不过是行走的影子回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。求:该翻译电话,email, 住址。。。。。

回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。哈哈

回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。原来成了加拿大公民就是一只狗啊。。。点击展开...GOOGLE 汪汪汪

回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。求:该翻译电话,email, 住址。。。。。点击展开... 同问!!

好兄弟,有话好好说!回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。无所不用其极啊

回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。[FONT=arial,sans-serif]转发: [FONT=arial,sans-serif]Canadian Citizenship Application[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=arial,sans-serif][FONT=arial,sans-serif]An immigrant from China is applying for citizenship in Canada . He is to be interviewed by a Canadian immigration officer. He does not speak English well and knows nothing about Canada . Therefore, he invited a special translator to help him in his interview.[/FONT][/FONT]一??自中? 的移民,要申?加拿大 公民; 他不?真英遮,,更不 了解加拿大. ?了移民官的 面?,他?了??翻 诅??忙.Officer: Do you know who was the first Prime Minister of Canada ?官?提?;『??加拿大 的首任?理是侦?[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Translator: ( in Cantonese) The officer asked you, Where do you usually go if you want to eat hamburger?[/FONT]翻诅用??? 真;「移民官?你;『如果你想吃 ?堡,通常你?去哪 彦??[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Man: (answered to the officer) Oh..... McDonald (the first Prime Minister of Canada is Sir John MacDonald.)[/FONT]申?人?著移 民官回答真; 『噢! ???!! (加拿大的 首任?理,叫做Sir John MacDonald.)The officer nodded his head and then asked the second question.移民官?钷,然後?下一? ?铨;Officer: Could you tell me which province you're living in now?移民官?;「你可以告灾 我,你?在住哪一 省???[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Translator: (in Cantonese) The officer just asked you, What is the dirtiest thing in your nose? [/FONT]翻诅用??? 真;「移民官?你;『甚?,是你鼻子彦最 篥的?西? 』」[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Man: (replied to the officer in Cantonese) Ah..... Bay See (which means nose dirt in Chinese) (The man lives in the province of British Columbia, commonly known as B.C.)[/FONT]申?人用?? ?回答移民官真; 啊鼻屎!! ! (即中文 鼻子彦的篥?西) (他住在the province of British Columbia, ?费?B.C.???鼻屎同 音)The officer nodded his head again and asked the final question.移民官又?钷,而後?最後? 铨.Officer: Do you know what your privilege is when you become Canadian?移民官?; 「你成?加拿 大公民後,享有甚??利??[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Translator: (in Cantonese) The officer asked you, How does a dog sounds like when it barks?[/FONT]翻诅用??? 真;「移民官?你;『狗吠的?候,叫?是怎???』 」[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Man: (demonstrated the sound to the officer)... Woe, Woe. (Vote, Vote. One of the privileges of a Canadian is the right to vote.)[/FONT]申?人?著移 民官的面,做出狗吠的? 音;Woe, Woe!!(Vote, Vote.) 成?加拿大公 民的特?之一,就是投票(Vote. )The officer told the man that all the questions were answered correctly, shook hands with him and congratulated him that he had passed the interview to be a Canadian citizen.移民官告灾申 ?人真;所有的?铨都 答?,跟他握手, ?且向他恭 喜,已?通咿成? 加拿大公民的面?了!! 呃位翻诅真? 害! 不但英文好反?特快睫??明更膣能可倨 的就是睫?蓖忠?守、?足客? 所需! 物超所值啊!!点击展开... 应该搬家到 NEW BRUNSWICK省( NB省)去。 真NB。

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。这个很强大,看了一会才懂的啥意思

卡屯集结号(137990988)Calgary Badminton Group (168454634)回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。哈哈

回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。真逗!我也想聘此翻译。呵呵!

人生就是如此,不管你是否准备好,不管你是全身心的拥抱还是拒绝,它就按照它的节奏,不容置疑地向前走着……回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。

回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。哈......

回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。哈哈,好笑啊!

工程找伟丰装修(Well Fortunate Renovations),质量有保障!778-389-8812 龙师傅 604-782-3606本人(Mandy)本人不是龙师傅,是龙师傅代表回复: 转发:这个公民入籍翻译的笑话,十年前曾经看过。这个笑话是在骂(讽刺)那些冈广东话的移民在加拿大一辈子不会(也不愿意学)英语......

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