加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家
在白石偶遇了一位艺术家,叫Gloria, 温文尔雅,她一直自己作画。和很多加拿大人一样,她马上要到德州去度过漫漫的冬季了,临走前约她在咖啡馆里,和她聊天很开心,非常纯正的美语,抑扬顿挫的语音语调。Her first recollection of art was at around age 3, sitting at her grandmother's table with a coloring book and crayons. She continued doing art in some form or another until about age 15. After that time she became too busy with studies, a career in another field, marriage, and eventually the birth of her son. Once her son was past the toddler stage, she became very interested in art again.
@ 赏 反馈:一毛, 阳光沙滩, julius87 和另外1个人 2012-11-27#2 R 4,972 $0.00 回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家我喜欢她的auto reflections 系列,她最喜欢做的事情是到一些古董车展上,别人看车,她就开始捕捉那些点点滴滴,拍照做成画。For many years now she has been attending classic car shows. This led to her semiabstract reflection series. Her travels in BC and other Canadian destinations as well as Texas and the Netherlands have also produced many reference photos and paintings.
@ 赏 反馈:一毛 2012-11-27#3 R 4,972 $0.00 回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家
@ 赏 反馈:一毛 2012-11-27#4 R 4,972 $0.00 回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家
@ 赏 反馈:一毛 2012-11-27#5 R 4,972 $0.00 回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家她带着相机,捕捉着她的人生脚步。Her camera is with her at all times so she is continually finding new subjects. Light plays a great part in all her paintings as she is intrigued by the mood created when light falls upon a subject. It may be a landscape in the softly diffused light of morning, a chrome wheel in bright sunlight , or her cat dozing in the late afternoon sun.
@ 赏 反馈:一毛 2012-11-27#6 R 4,972 $0.00 回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家强烈的色彩诠释着她多彩的生活。Color is also very important as it plays a part in setting the mood of the scene. She tends to like strong, bright colors. When painting her reflection series, she will look for a vehicle that shows a reflection of its brightly colored neighbour. Vivid reds of peonies,or bright yellow sunflowers are her favourites too.
@ 赏 反馈:一毛 2012-11-27#9 R 4,972 $0.00 回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家Charcoal drawings were her first endeavor, and after that, a quick progression into oil painting and acrylics. By this time she was passionate about her art and painted at every opportunity. Shortly before retiring in 1995 she started painting watercolors.
@ 赏 反馈:一毛 2012-11-27#10 R 4,972 $0.00 回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家这是一幅acrylic painting.
@ 赏 反馈:一毛 2012-11-27#11 L 1,167 $0.00 回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家好漂亮,色彩运用的真好
回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家真美!谢谢分享!
回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家画要卖得出去才好
回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家她有在自己家里办过画展吗? 若有, 俺有可能去看过.
回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家原来BC省人也去美国度冬季?我还以为就魁北克人喜欢去。
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克 赏 反馈:一毛 2012-11-27#16 Z 87 $0.00 回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家真美!
回复: 白石镇有这样一位慈眉善目的女画家好漂亮,色彩运用的真好点击展开...谢谢,她喜欢强烈的色彩对比。
@她有在自己家里办过画展吗? 若有, 俺有可能去看过.点击展开...问过了,没有办过。她是加拿大艺术协会的成员,经常在他们的画展中展出自己的作品,上面的这几幅都是获奖的。
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