加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息一个可能对你有用的网站
回复: 一个可能对你有用的网站下列1用户向小雷音如此有用的帖子致谢: sabre (一分钟前)
回复: 一个可能对你有用的网站[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=tyVpPUCiS1Y&feature=player_embedded[/ame]
回复: 一个可能对你有用的网站下列1用户向小雷音如此有用的帖子致谢: sabre (一分钟前)点击展开...没用,看英文的只是少数。
回复: 一个可能对你有用的网站http://www.no video.com/watch?v=1640vwCjF10&feature=youtu.behttp://abusive-ministry.ca/http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2013/02/27/barbara-kay-the-problem-with-childrens-aid-societies/
回复: 一个可能对你有用的网站Criticism Brenda Scott, in her 1994 book Out of Control: Who's Watching Our Child Protection Agencies, criticizes CPS, stating, "Child Protective Services is out of control. The system, as it operates today, should be scrapped. If children are to be protected in their homes and in the system, radical new guidelines must be adopted. At the core of the problem is the antifamily mindset of CPS. Removal is the first resort, not the last. With insufficient checks and balances, the system that was designed to protect children has become the greatest perpetrator of harm."[24] An ongoing case about Nastic family living in U.S. has received an intervention from the Serbia government. Children were taken away from their parents after their naked photos were found on the father's computer. Such photos are common in Serbia culture. Furthermore, parents claim that their ethnic and religious rights have been violated - children are not permitted to speak Serbian, nor to meet with their parents for orthodox Christmas. They can meet only mother once a week. Children have suffered psychological traumas due to their separation from parents. Polygraph showed that father did not abuse children. Trial is set for January 26. Psychologists from Serbia stated that few hours of conversation with children are enough to see whether they have been abused. Children were taken from their family 7 months ago. FBI started an investigation against the CPS
回复: 一个可能对你有用的网站http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion/elizabeth/mcfd_dirty_tricks_series.html
回复: 一个可能对你有用的网站http://advocacybc.blogspot.ca/2010/05/what-is-mcfd-trying-to-hide.html
回复: 一个可能对你有用的网站不敢随便乱点,怕病毒...
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