加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息卑诗大地震可能很快到来
最新一期《加拿大地球科学期刊》(CanadianJournalofEarthScience)的一篇报告指出,透过对温哥华岛外海海底沉积样本及地震史的研究发现,卑诗省太平洋海岸可能将“迎来”一场“大型逆冲区地震”。(自 温哥华港湾-BCbay)
贫道潜心佛学几十年,每天诵读古兰经,推崇湿婆大神,从来不做对不起主的事情!回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来研究地震的科学家总是在事情发生后才有科学研究报告昭示天下,之前就预见的恐怕没有
回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来这个杂志是 NRC 的?
乱码最新一期《加拿大地球科学期刊》(CanadianJournalofEarthScience)的一篇报告指出,透过对温哥华岛外海海底沉积样本及地震史的研究发现,卑诗省太平洋海岸可能将“迎来”一场“大型逆冲区地震”。(自 温哥华港湾-BCbay) 点击展开...逆冲区?啥意思?
Shaw 七年特惠部门经验,诚信为本,信誉至上。电话: 778-798-9898 微信号: 778-798-9898回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来不要乱解读这篇文章是“A new high-resolution radiocarbon Bayesian age model of the Holocene and Late Pleistocene from core MD02-2494 and others, Effingham Inlet, British Columbia, Canada; with an application to the paleoseismic event chronology of the Cascadia Subduction Zone”总结的最后一段:“The resulting proposed earthquake chronology from Effingham is the most northerly addition to the study of paleoseismicity along the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The dates indicate an average seismic event recurrence interval of 550 ± 400 years, but the recurrence intervals are bimodal at 200 ± 90 and 900 ± 240 years. This analysis is complicated by the possibility of combining seismites generated by shaking from both subduction megathrust earthquakes and strong local earthquakes, the potential for some earthquakes to fail to trigger mass-wasting events, and the possibility of non-seismic triggers such as storms or landslides. We propose (Table 5) a correlation of 16 events in Effingham Inlet to turbidites identified from Cascadia Subduction Zone turbidite records (Goldfinger et al. 2012) as a basis for comparing the onshore and offshore paleoseismic records along Cascadia. The new reliable Effingham Inlet age model suggests that the turbidite dates on marine material are systematically too young by up to several hundred years, likely from reservoir correction uncertainties, indicating the utility of the new Effingham Inlet age model as a chronological tie point to the regional paleoseismic record of the Cascadia Subduction Zone.”说白了,就是一群科学家通过古代的地震记录,建立了一个地震发生的年代模型,且不说这个模型准备与否,大家看它估测出来的:“recurrence interval of 550 ± 400 years, but the recurrence intervals are bimodal at 200 ± 90 and 900 ± 240 years”上次这里大地震是 1700 年左右,那么1700+550=2250年但是因为有 高达400年的 误差,所以 从 1850 -- 2650 都有可能如果考虑两个可能性大的时间,也就是 “ 200 ± 90 and 900 ± 240 years”,那么就是 1900 ± 90,或者 2600 ± 240。哈哈,看到这里大家是不是应该开心?1900 ± 90 最多也就是1990,已经过了,没事发生,下一个就是 2600-240=2360,估计坛子里的各位的孙子也等不到那一天了!当然,这都是基于模型准确的前提。但是此模型建立所采用的数据来源都不一定完全可靠。比如史前地震的发生时间可通过测量所谓的 seismite里面的 碳14来计算,也就是震后沉淀的泥土层中。可是这些沉积层可能不是地震造成的,有时候有了大地震,也不一定会留下这些沉积层所以呢,此文对科研有意义对普通人来讲,就是放屁
乱码回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来是跑还是不跑
回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来跑什么跑,就在这里等地震吧。
回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来是跑还是不跑点击展开...不跑,我。
在熟悉的异乡 我将自己一年年流放穿过鲜花 走过荆棘 只为自由之地想要带上你私奔 奔向最遥远城镇。。。不跑,我。点击展开...两位好淡定
不要乱解读 这篇文章是“A new high-resolution radiocarbon Bayesian age model of the Holocene and Late Pleistocene from core MD02-2494 and others, Effingham Inlet, British Columbia, Canada; with an application to the paleoseismic event chronology of the Cascadia Subduction Zone” 总结的最后一段: “The resulting proposed earthquake chronology from Effingham is the most northerly addition to the study of paleoseismicity along the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The dates indicate an average seismic event recurrence interval of 550 ± 400 years, but the recurrence intervals are bimodal at 200 ± 90 and 900 ± 240 years. This analysis is complicated by the possibility of combining seismites generated by shaking from both subduction megathrust earthquakes and strong local earthquakes, the potential for some earthquakes to fail to trigger mass-wasting events, and the possibility of non-seismic triggers such as storms or landslides. We propose (Table 5) a correlation of 16 events in Effingham Inlet to turbidites identified from Cascadia Subduction Zone turbidite records (Goldfinger et al. 2012) as a basis for comparing the onshore and offshore paleoseismic records along Cascadia. The new reliable Effingham Inlet age model suggests that the turbidite dates on marine material are systematically too young by up to several hundred years, likely from reservoir correction uncertainties, indicating the utility of the new Effingham Inlet age model as a chronological tie point to the regional paleoseismic record of the Cascadia Subduction Zone.” 说白了,就是一群科学家通过古代的地震记录,建立了一个地震发生的年代模型,且不说这个模型准备与否,大家看它估测出来的: “recurrence interval of 550 ± 400 years, but the recurrence intervals are bimodal at 200 ± 90 and 900 ± 240 years” 上次这里大地震是 1700 年左右,那么1700+550=2250年 但是因为有 高达400年的 误差,所以 从 1850 -- 2650 都有可能 如果考虑两个可能性大的时间,也就是 “ 200 ± 90 and 900 ± 240 years”,那么就是 1900 ± 90,或者 2600 ± 240。 哈哈,看到这里大家是不是应该开心? 1900 ± 90 最多也就是1990,已经过了,没事发生,下一个就是 2600-240=2360,估计坛子里的各位的孙子也等不到那一天了! 当然,这都是基于模型准确的前提。但是此模型建立所采用的数据来源都不一定完全可靠。比如史前地震的发生时间可通过测量所谓的 seismite里面的 碳14来计算,也就是震后沉淀的泥土层中。可是这些沉积层可能不是地震造成的,有时候有了大地震,也不一定会留下这些沉积层 所以呢,此文对科研有意义 对普通人来讲,就是放屁点击展开...
回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来正解,。点击展开...不震就好
贫道潜心佛学几十年,每天诵读古兰经,推崇湿婆大神,从来不做对不起主的事情!回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来还是泡菜说的好: 下震不怕,大震哪都一样,所以还是抓紧享受当下吧...
回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来传说了很多年了。
燕圣堂 北美燕窝专卖 打造纯真品质咨询电话:778-836-8989 展厅地址:#2198-8700 Mckim Way, Richmond, BC, V6X 4A5 Canada QQ:2912260311www.yanwo.ca ---- www.sunkii.comEmail: [email protected] 燕窝知识问答帖回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来不知道对房地产有什么大的影响?
回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来该死不能活,该活死不了。大家散了吧,该干吗还干吗去
回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来不跑!一切都是命。
回复: 卑诗大地震可能很快到来狼来了
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