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在 SERVICE CANADA 看领MATERNITY EI期间做兼职收入是直接扣EI的,那如果PARENTAL EI期间做兼职, 每周不能超多少?因为2012年8月有新规定,但我没看懂。 我本来收入少,每周EI 估计才100多。 谢谢。

回复: 领EI 期间兼职兼职没问题,不过你挣多少钱,EI会少发你多少钱。

如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔在 SERVICE CANADA 看领MATERNITY EI期间做兼职收入是直接扣EI的,那如果PARENTAL EI期间做兼职, 每周不能超多少?因为2012年8月有新规定,但我没看懂。 我本来收入少,每周EI 估计才100多。 谢谢。点击展开...应该不是直接扣的,看下面,不是很精确,但大概是这样,你可以再去确定一下。At the moment, the rules stipulate that you can earn up to 40 percent of your EI weekly amount or $75 per week (depending on how much EI you collect) without any penalty to the amount of EI you receive. Anything you earn above that amount is deducted from your weekly EI payments, dollar for dollar.On August 5th, 2012, however, all of this is going to change. In a bid to encourage those who are off work to continue to seek and accept paid employment, they’ve reduced the clawback amount to 50 percent instead of 100 percent, but there is no penalty-free threshold. So, for any additional dollar you earn while on EI, they will deduct 50 cents from your EI payment.An example: let’s say you collect $300 per week from EI while you’re on parental leave. If you do some additional work for which you’re paid $100, they will deduct $50 from your EI payment, so your total for that week will be $350.

回复: 领EI 期间兼职应该不是直接扣的,看下面,不是很精确,但大概是这样,你可以再去确定一下。 At the moment, the rules stipulate that you can earn up to 40 percent of your EI weekly amount or $75 per week (depending on how much EI you collect) without any penalty to the amount of EI you receive. Anything you earn above that amount is deducted from your weekly EI payments, dollar for dollar. On August 5th, 2012, however, all of this is going to change. In a bid to encourage those who are off work to continue to seek and accept paid employment, they’ve reduced the clawback amount to 50 percent instead of 100 percent, but there is no penalty-free threshold. So, for any additional dollar you earn while on EI, they will deduct 50 cents from your EI payment. An example: let’s say you collect $300 per week from EI while you’re on parental leave. If you do some additional work for which you’re paid $100, they will deduct $50 from your EI payment, so your total for that week will be $350.点击展开...就是说每周的EI 还是百分百到手,但兼职的收入就要扣50%。那如果我一周EI才100,我最多每周能赚75,到手就是100+37.5? 这只是育儿EI。 我看了产假EI(包括SICK EI)里工作都是100%扣的。因为它认为待产和生病不会有条件工作。

回复: 领EI 期间兼职从上面贴的文字是说,EI 外的收入,最高75\周封顶,或者你每周EI收入的40%最高不超过75刀\周。如果超过,超过部分扣至75刀\周。举的例子是:300x 40%=120120-50=70,低于75刀的上限。有人休息下,有人挣一点,有人进修学习,各家情况不同啦。

回复: 领EI 期间兼职如果上学,EI有影响吗?

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