加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Petition result from the White House


刚从EMAIL收到的. 诸位坛友看看, 议议, 看到辱华的小丑, 我们该发声吗?我的看法是, 绝对应该. 无论那小丑是老外还是小湾小港, 或是大陆混出来的浪人. 比如说, 前两天在坛里拜祭小日本神风特攻队的拐子李和为他喝采的人, 就该向中国人民和美国人民道歉. 前些日子在坛里变着法子黑大陆人的小湾台北仁, 也该向中国人民道歉.连这美国佬的笑星都知错能改, 上述几位就不能放下臭架子吗? 私人间吵吵放点狠话骂下娘是小事, 国格不能伤也不能让, 否则仍然被人视为东亚病夫. 这坛里那些变态的中国人该醒醒了.OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE RESPONSE TOInvestigate Jimmy Kimmel Kid's Table Government Shutdown Show on ABC NetworkWhat We Have to Say About Jimmy KimmelThank you for your petition. Your petition requested an apology from those involved, and to "cut the show."The parties involved have already apologized independently. Jimmy Kimmel has apologized on-air, and issued a written apology. ABC has removed the skit from future broadcasts, taken the clip down from online platforms, and detailed several changes in its programming review process in response to this incident. You can find more about Jimmy Kimmel's apology here, and ABC's apology here.On a broader level, as the President has stated publicly, the United States welcomes the continuing peaceful rise of China. The comments you are writing about do not reflect mainstream views of China in the United States.The Federal government cannot force ABC to remove this show. The First Amendment of the Constitution protects free speech, even if individuals might personally find it offensive or distasteful. It may be upsetting when people say things we might personally disagree with, but the principle of protected free speech is an important part of who we are as a nation.If you think this issue merits additional scrutiny, you may file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission by visiting FCC.gov/Complaints. The FCC is an independent agency that regulates the airwaves without input or consideration from the White House.Tell us what you think about this petition response and We the People.

回复: Petition result from the White House你写的啥comments?

回复: Petition result from the White House你写的啥comments?点击展开...谢谢顶帖.我写的同在这坛里枰击那些变态的差不多, 只是语气还要强烈些, 不过没骂娘. 你知道那钟场合是不能骂娘的. 但对老外, 特别是变态老外绝对不能客气.开车时碰到甩中指的老外, 我立即给他竖回去. 好多开车违规还甩中指的老外都是垃圾. 好象咱黄种人该给他们让路似的.

回复: Petition result from the White House谢谢顶帖.我写的同在这坛里枰击那些变态的差不多, 只是语气还要强烈些, 不过没骂娘. 你知道那钟场合是不能骂娘的. 但对老外, 特别是变态老外绝对不能客气.开车时碰到甩中指的老外, 我立即给他竖回去. 好多开车违规还甩中指的老外都是垃圾. 好象咱黄种人该给他们让路似的.点击展开...看他的回复你是捅了他们的命门了,把总统都抬出来了。

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