加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息免费安居服務- 604-279-7160
The Richmond Multicultural Community Service is dedicated to providing a full range of housing services for new immigrants and refugeesOur staff can speak many languages including Cantonese and Mandarin. Our services include:¨ English conversation training class, looking for new job¨ Translate and Guide Fill in the form¨ Help apply for a medical card¨ provide basic information on basic necessities of life¨ Provide local employment information and resumes¨ Assist in applying for unemployment insurance and other government allowances¨ provide government service information¨ Help apply for Maple Leaf cards, travel visas and renewal passports¨ answer questions about tax returns¨ Volunteer service opportunities and training¨ Regularly organize interest classes, workshops and mutual aid groups¨ Answer any questions newcomers settle in CanadaPlease contact the housing service staffEdmond, Xiaowei, (Mandarin, Cantonese service, every Monday to Friday)Tel: 604-279-7160 210-7000 Minoru Blvd, Richmond BC
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