最近接到一封e-mail, 大家帮着分析分析,为安全起见,把名字隐去,可问题是该封e-mail上我的名字之类的信息都很准确,: Dear xx Liu,I am xxxx, xxxxx, a legal practitioner.Please be patient and absorb the contents of this email which I believe is a message that will be beneficial to the both of us. I am the legal representative to Late Thomas Liu who herein after shall be referred to as my late client.He died in March 2006 as a result of heart condition.Basically,my aim of writing you is to assist me secure the funds left behind by my client before it is confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this fund valued at $5.9million dollars was deposited. I have a mandate from the bank to present the next of kin to the deceased or the funds will be confiscated and so far, all my efforts to get hold of someone related to this man has proved abortive.I want you to consider this proposal.If you grant your consent that I present you to the bank as the next-of-kin and beneficiary of my deceased client (since you have the same last name),so that the proceeds of this account can be transferred to you, then we can share the entire proceeds on a mutually agreed-upon percentage. All legal documentation to back up your claim as my deceased client's next-of-kin will be provided. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through.This entire process will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.However,if this business proposition offends your moral values,do accept my apology.Please contact me at once to indicate your interest through my private email, [email protected] Best Regards, xxxxx xxxxx Esq.
[FONT=宋体]Let bygones be bygones [/FONT][FONT=宋体]过去的,就让它过去吧[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]Great minds think alike [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]英雄所见略同[/FONT][/FONT]回复: 一封奇怪的e-mailwo kao, Delete it without any mercy第一天出来混啊
和气生财,心宽长寿。回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail骗人的,不要理他,扔垃圾箱
一些帖子希望对大家有帮助,有1元20张照片,什么是Mail-in-Rebate,我的MIR经历,我的Subsidy经历等等。这是个简易链接,请点击这个:URL我黑,故我回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail骗钱的,我LG经常收到.要小心
回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail已经有很多人有过这么好的运气了
回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail骗人的,我的邮箱每天都有,不是老公死了就是托管人亡了,还有贪官要转帐的。这叫尼日利亚骗局.
回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail问题是他从哪找的名字和邮件?是不是几个工作招聘网站啊?
回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail也有可能是从电话公司买得呢
觉得我说的有道理的,就加点声望吧!! 赏

21,405 $0.00 回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail先不要删噢! 看看人家写信的那个格式和语气.....多学学吧! 绝对对LZ复习雅思考试写作有好处,如果你能写出这种水平的短文来的话,8分写作肯定是没问题的.评论
赏 骗人的,我的邮箱每天都有,不是老公死了就是托管人亡了,还有贪官要转帐的。这叫尼日利亚骗局.点击展开...没错,尼日利亚骗局。用假支票骗人的。
回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail非洲骗子,常有的事.
I believe--你还在那里等待,我的心已经充满了期待。。。回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail打开一个易拉罐,又看见了久违的东东你中大奖了!!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Polar bear said: sweet !打开一个易拉罐,又看见了久违的东东你中大奖了!!点击展开...赶紧坐火车去天安门领奖!
回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail恭喜发财!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Polar bear said: sweet !回复: 一封奇怪的e-mailI recive it 2what's mean? FROM JOHNSON PAULRue 212 cocodi abidjan>cote d'ivoire west africa.Dearest one.With due respect and humility i write this letter to you which i believe you will be of great assistance to me.i am JOHNSON PAUL 25years of age,the only son of late MR WILLIAMS JOHNSON,my father was a very wealthy cocoa merchant based in abidjan, the economic capital of cote d'ivoire.before he was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their outing to discause on a business.while my mother died on the 21st october 1985,my father took me so special because i am motherless,before the death of my father on 29th november 2005 in a private hospital here in abidjan.he secretly called me on his bedside and told me that he has the sum of (us$20.500.000) twenty million five hundred thousand united staes dollars in a metalick trunk box.left in a security company here in abidjan,he let me know that the security company did not know the content of the box because he registered it as a family valueble personal for security reasons,that he used my name as his only son for the nest of kin in deposit of the fund.he also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his business assocoates.that i should seek for a foreign partner in a country of my choice where i will transfer this money for investment purpose and to further my education.sir i contacted you to assist me and claim out this box of money which my late father deposited in the security company and transfer it to your countrry.so that i can come over your country immediately for investment.>however,sir i have accepted to offer you 15% of the total sum for any expenses which might have incurred during the process of transferring and also as a compensation for your effort/input after the succesfull transfer of this money to your country overseas.furthermore,you can indicate your option towards assisting me as i believe that this transaction would be concluded within seven(7)days you signify your interest to assist me.am expecting to hear from you soon.thanks and GOD bless you>JOHNSON PAUL
http://nicykong.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?sa=784462290先不要删噢! 看看人家写信的那个格式和语气.....多学学吧! 绝对对LZ复习雅思考试写作有好处,如果你能写出这种水平的短文来的话,8分写作肯定是没问题的.点击展开...有理!留着
[FONT=宋体]Let bygones be bygones [/FONT][FONT=宋体]过去的,就让它过去吧[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]Great minds think alike [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]英雄所见略同[/FONT][/FONT]回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail我YAHOO信箱每天都收到5,6封
西风烈,长空雁叫霜晨月。霜晨月,马蹄声碎,喇叭声咽。雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。从头越,苍山如海,残阳如血。回复: 一封奇怪的e-mail是应该学习,
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