加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息一起到多伦多走一转, 看看八年来的变化


我在98年曾经到过多伦多约一个星期,目的主要是旅游和探望我的哥哥, 那时我还未有移民的念头。 而自从2/3年前打算移民到加拿大后, 一直想再到多伦多一次, 看看多伦多变成什么样子, 终于在06年4月, 有机会和老婆再到多伦多逗留了一个月, 发觉多伦多这8年间的变化很大。 例如8年前的人口密度比现时低很多, 当时地铁在非繁忙时间只有老年人乘搭, 而且肯定有座位空出, 但是现在的非繁忙时间也有很多人乘搭, 包括年轻人, 上班一族和学生, 也不一定有座位空出。以前只是在市中心的 Eaton Centre 比较多人, 现在 downtown 已经到处都有人满之患。 在未再看多伦多的之前, 先来看一看日本的富士山, 照片是航机在飞往多伦多途中摄的。 这是我第二次在飞机上看到富士山。记得第一次从飞机上看到富士山大约是在6年前, 由夏威夷回航时, 当时是无意中发现的, 因此便轻呼了一声, 由于我这一声轻呼惊动了我前座的老外, 使他也发现了富士山, 如是者一传十, 差不多全机乘客也发现了, 老外们很高兴, 连忙向我说多谢。


逛家园,赞反馈:俸禄xz 2007-01-01#3 indianyan 1,292 $0.00 感觉上多伦多现时比8年前繁荣了很多, 在 Yonge 街上的商店的橱窗比以前已美化了不少, 卖的货品亦潮了很多。 现在 downtown的主要街道的人流可以说是8年前的2至3倍, (当然与国内大城市的人流依然是无得比)。在最大型商场 Eaton Centre内便更夸张了, 假日的人流很多, 不过也没有拥挤的感觉, 可能是因为商场有足够的空间。 以前要买华人食品只可以到一些小型露天购物中心 (plaza) 购买, 现在已有很多大型华人超市了, 卖的食品都以华人顾客为目标, 很适合华人的口味。现时华人超市的装璜已经很美伦美焕, 与老外的超市已差无几。 8年前多伦多的超市所卖的货品, 不论在种类或质素方面, 和现时也相差很远。 附图是多伦多一家华人超市。


个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――赞反馈:rong, indianyan 和 俸禄xz 2007-01-01#5 又见飞刀 4,127 $0.00 八年的中国城市你都认不出街道了。


2013-10-162014-1-16 IP2014-6-4 test2014-7-8 oath赞反馈:俸禄xz 2007-01-01#7 俸禄xz
酒要少吃 事要多知
4,163 $0.00 给以上筒子都加声望了,期待楼主下文。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]赞反馈:rong 和 indianyan 2007-01-01#8 大胃贝克汉姆
21,405 $0.00 期待LZ的美文继续......

我在98年曾经到过多伦多约一个星期,目的主要是旅游和探望我的哥哥, 那时我还未有移民的念头。 而自从2/3年前打算移民到加拿大后, 一直想再到多伦多一次, 看看多伦多变成什么样子, 终于在06年4月, 有机会和老婆再到多伦多逗留了一个月, 发觉多伦多这8年间的变化很大。 例如8年前的人口密度比现时低很多, 当时地铁在非繁忙时间只有老年人乘搭, 而且肯定有座位空出, 但是现在的非繁忙时间也有很多人乘搭, 包括年轻人, 上班一族和学生, 也不一定有座位空出。以前只是在市中心的 Eaton Centre 比较多人, 现在 downtown 已经到处都有人满之患。 在未再看多伦多的之前, 先来看一看日本的富士山, 照片是航机在飞往多伦多途中摄的。 这是我第二次在飞机上看到富士山。记得第一次从飞机上看到富士山大约是在6年前, 由夏威夷回航时, 当时是无意中发现的, 因此便轻呼了一声, 由于我这一声轻呼惊动了我前座的老外, 使他也发现了富士山, 如是者一传十, 差不多全机乘客也发现了, 老外们很高兴, 连忙向我说多谢。点击展开...人口到底多了多少? TTC一直说乘客不够, 老亏本.

一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 人口到底多了多少? TTC一直说乘客不够, 老亏本.点击展开...Toronto, with a population of 2.48 million people ( 5 million in the GTA - Greater Toronto Area ) is heralded as one of the most multicultural cities in the world and is ranked as the safest large metropolitan area in North America by Places Rated Almanac. Over 100 languages and dialects are spoken here, and over one third of Toronto residents speak a language other than English at home. Between 2001 and 2005, the Toronto CMA attracted an average of 107,000 international immigrants each year, The City of Toronto welcomed two thirds (69,000).43 per cent of Toronto's population (1,051,125 people) reported themselves as being part of a <A href="http://www.toronto.ca/toronto_facts/diversity.htm#1">visible minority, up from 37 per cent (882,330) in 1996.the top four visible minority groups in Toronto were:Chinese at 259,710 or 10.6 per cent of our populationSouth Asian at 253,920 or 10.3 per centBlack at 204,075 or 8.3 per centFilipino at 86,460 or 3.5 per cent49 per cent of Toronto's population was born outside of Canada, up from 48 per cent in 1996new immigrants to Toronto since 1991 number 516,635, representing 21 per cent of our population.fully one in five Toronto residents arrived in this country during the 1990sone in four children between 5 and 16 in the City of Toronto are new immigrants having arrived between 1991 and 2001while the City of Toronto had 48.7 per cent of the GTA's population in 2001, we were home to:57.8 per cent of all GTA immigrants (1,214,625)64.4 per cent of all new immigrants that arrived in the GTA during the 1990s (516,635)60.4 per cent of all GTA residents identified as belonging to a visible minority (1,051,125)Toronto has 79 ethnic publicationsAboriginal PeoplesToronto's reported Aboriginal population is 11,370, up from the 9,895 reported in 1996.Visible Minorities across Canada there has been a three-fold increase since 1981 in people who identify themselves as visible minorities - up from 1.1 million in 1981 to almost 4 million in 2001. "Visible minority" is defined by Statistics Canada as "persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour".in 2001 three-quarters of immigrants who came to Canada during the 1990s were members of visible minority groups.Ethnic OriginRegardless of where people were born, or when they came to Canada, everyone reports on their ethnic background or heritage. Respondents are permitted to report more than one ethnic origin if appropriate and this is happening more frequently. People more likely to report multiple origins include those from European backgrounds whose ancestors have lived in Canada for several generations. In general, groups with a more recent history in Canada were more likely to report single responses. Looking only at single ethnic origins, the most prevalent backgrounds in the City of Toronto other than the British Isles are: Chinese at 242,920 - a 16 per cent increase over 1996Italian at 138,715 - a decline of 13 per centEast Indian at 133,670 - a 25 per cent increaseFilipino at 76,405 - a 31 per cent increasePortuguese at 75,800 - a 5 per cent decline

[edit] Language by Population(Toronto CMA)Chinese: 355,270 Italian: 206,325 Portuguese: 113,355 Punjabi: 99,600 Spanish: 83,245 Polish: 79,875 Tagalog: 77,220 Tamil: 77,060 Urdu: 57,635 French: 57,485 Greek: 50,165 Arabic: 46,575 German: 43,665 Vietnamese: 36,555 Ukrainian: 26,675



sannorm 说:Toronto, with a population of 2.48 million people ( 5 million in the GTA - Greater Toronto Area ) is heralded as one of the most multicultural cities in the world and is ranked as the safest large metropolitan area in North America by Places Rated Almanac. Over 100 languages and dialects are spoken here, and over one third of Toronto residents speak a language other than English at home. Between 2001 and 2005, the Toronto CMA attracted an average of 107,000 international immigrants each year, The City of Toronto welcomed two thirds (69,000).43 per cent of Toronto's population (1,051,125 people) reported themselves as being part of a <A href="http://www.toronto.ca/toronto_facts/diversity.htm#1">visible minority, up from 37 per cent (882,330) in 1996.the top four visible minority groups in Toronto were:Chinese at 259,710 or 10.6 per cent of our populationSouth Asian at 253,920 or 10.3 per centBlack at 204,075 or 8.3 per centFilipino at 86,460 or 3.5 per cent49 per cent of Toronto's population was born outside of Canada, up from 48 per cent in 1996new immigrants to Toronto since 1991 number 516,635, representing 21 per cent of our population.fully one in five Toronto residents arrived in this country during the 1990sone in four children between 5 and 16 in the City of Toronto are new immigrants having arrived between 1991 and 2001while the City of Toronto had 48.7 per cent of the GTA's population in 2001, we were home to:57.8 per cent of all GTA immigrants (1,214,625)64.4 per cent of all new immigrants that arrived in the GTA during the 1990s (516,635)60.4 per cent of all GTA residents identified as belonging to a visible minority (1,051,125)Toronto has 79 ethnic publicationsAboriginal PeoplesToronto's reported Aboriginal population is 11,370, up from the 9,895 reported in 1996.Visible Minoritiesacross Canada there has been a three-fold increase since 1981 in people who identify themselves as visible minorities - up from 1.1 million in 1981 to almost 4 million in 2001. "Visible minority" is defined by Statistics Canada as "persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour".in 2001 three-quarters of immigrants who came to Canada during the 1990s were members of visible minority groups.Ethnic Origin Regardless of where people were born, or when they came to Canada, everyone reports on their ethnic background or heritage. Respondents are permitted to report more than one ethnic origin if appropriate and this is happening more frequently. People more likely to report multiple origins include those from European backgrounds whose ancestors have lived in Canada for several generations. In general, groups with a more recent history in Canada were more likely to report single responses. Looking only at single ethnic origins, the most prevalent backgrounds in the City of Toronto other than the British Isles are:Chinese at 242,920 - a 16 per cent increase over 1996Italian at 138,715 - a decline of 13 per centEast Indian at 133,670 - a 25 per cent increaseFilipino at 76,405 - a 31 per cent increasePortuguese at 75,800 - a 5 per cent decline点击展开...

一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 2007-01-02#15 indianyan 1,292 $0.00 谢谢大家支持! 回应又见飞刀: 八年的中国城市你都认不出街道了。 中国是发展中国家, 加拿大是已发展国家, 不能直接比较。例如我在94年曾到过瑞士, 在03年再到瑞士的时侯, 发觉除了火车车厢由一层变成两层, 和华丽了很多之外, 市面上的情况可以说是没有什么分别。 如果说中国在这8年间的经济是翻了一翻, 那么加拿大应该算是翻了半翻, 以加拿大这样的“老国” 而言, 能有此成绩, 已经算是相当少有了。 回应Crystal Clear: 人口到底多了多少? TTC一直说乘客不够, 亏本. 地铁的网络只限于多伦多市内。多伦多市人口在2006年7月的估计是263万。不过每天从大多伦多其他地区到多伦多市上班和上学的人数便难以估计。地铁的乘客绝对是足够的, 但是能否有营利便要看管理是否得宜了。

多伦多市在8年前就只有 Eaton Centre 一个大型多层式商场, 其他的所谓商场, 都只是露天, 单层式的, 而且规模很小。但是现在类似 Eaton Centre 的商场在多伦多市已有不少, 而规模和装璜亦绝不在 Eaton Centre之下。 不过, 这些 “经济高速发展” 只是限制于多伦多市内, 在大多伦多的其他地区 (即York, Halton, Peel, Durham), 发展步伐仍然只能算是“有秩序” 地进行。 在大多伦多的其他地区, 唯一可以称得上有翻天覆地的改变就是房子。 根据人口普查资料, 大多伦多的人口由1996年的462万, 增加至2001年的530万, 而在2006年7月的估计, 人口已达590万。10年间人口增加了百分之27, 房屋需求的殷切可想而知。 (待续) 附图是多伦多市内一个叫Yorkdale的商场。


赞反馈:俸禄xz 2007-01-02#18 cp88
镜破不改光、兰死不改 香
10,641 $0.00 加拿大的发展老百姓是同步的收益,但是中国的发展,老百姓受益程度是要大打折扣的.权贵和富人们受益估计是百姓的1000倍都不止.

2005年12月北京递案!2008年5月6日变5(补料)!10月8日变12!10月13日签发ME! 11月1日上海瑞新体检!11月13日变7!09年4月26日瑞新补女儿体检!5月6日变8!5月25日变12!09年6月29日变13!7月6日CIC变DM!7月8日变17!2009年7月9日大信封!!![FONT=宋体][/FONT]赞反馈:俸禄xz 和 rong 2007-01-03#19 indianyan 1,292 $0.00 现时多伦多市的房价比较01年已胀了约五成, 虽然这个幅度与国内的房价相比只是小巫见大巫, 不过对当地人来说已是很难承担得起了, 现在年轻一辈如果想在多市内置业, 多半都会选择柏文, 因为房价比较低, 所以现时多市的柏文数量亦比8年前多了很多。 如果仍然钟情独立屋, 但是又不想负担太昂贵的房价, 便唯有向周边地区寻找, 不过即使是邻近多市的北约克, 烈治文山, 或万锦市这些华人喜欢的地区, 房价一样不便宜, 唯一房价比较算是可接受水平, 而又邻近多市的地区要算是士加堡了,但平均房价也要27万加元左右, 不过士加堡除了华人多, 黑人和越南人也多, 感觉上会比较“混杂”。 至于白人, 他们有自己一套的住房哲学, 他们不会为了追求便捷而负担高昂的房价, 相反地, 他们只会越搬越远, 用换房子所吐取的现金来消费。白人是宁愿每天长途拔涉开车上班, 也要寻求一处他们认为是理想的居住环境。 由于现时房屋需求大, 新房屋便不断向新地区发展, 以前只是一片荒芜之地的地区, 现在也相继发展成为住宅区。新发展区主要集中在多市以北的地区, 由烈治文山以北的奥露拉(Aurora) 开始, 经纽马克(Newmarket), 一直伸延至距离多市约90公里的 Barrie。其中纽马克更是白人的至爱。 (待续) 附图是万锦市的独立屋。


  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



华人网大家好: 我父母來了加拿大都已經十年啦,開始準備申請加拿大老人金。 本人對這項福利都還好迷茫,希望各位多多指教, 多謝!本人父母居住加拿大已經十年,過去十年,沒有工作 ...



华人网不想在大城市了,从出生到现在一直在大城市,来到温哥华,这房价和工资的不对等更搞得无法呼吸。来加拿大又不是奔着这些来的,加上本人很佛系,现在就梦想找一份WFH的工作到乡 ...



华人网今天送老公先回加拿大,从沈阳出发经首尔当天飞多伦多。 给老公买的是沈阳至首尔 大韩航空的 从首尔到多伦多 加拿大航空 行李在沈阳可以直挂到多伦多 给了两段航程的登机牌 行李 ...



华人网郁金香正在凋谢,蒲公英也进入最后的一搏。这个时候,她们已经不像小黄花绽放时那么可爱了(应该说多数人是这么感觉的),但仔细观赏,我还是很喜欢的。心中喜乐,到处都是美 ...