加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail


我用的是rogers的pay as you go,请问如何开通voice mail?有monthly fee吗?如果在home phone上收听留言,手机上会扣钱吗?谢谢

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail没有monthly charge。给他们打电话开通。好像在座机上收听留言是不扣钱的(你可以开通时顺便问一下)。

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail我用的是rogers的pay as you go,请问如何开通voice mail?有monthly fee吗?如果在home phone上收听留言,手机上会扣钱吗?谢谢点击展开...千万不要用啊。。。简直在浪费你的钱。。。。。你不接电话,也照收钱啊。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail我用的是rogers的pay as you go,1请问如何开通voice mail?2有monthly fee吗?3如果在home phone上收听留言,手机上会扣钱吗?谢谢点击展开...1 call customer service...2 no3 no

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail学习

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail千万不要用啊。。。简直在浪费你的钱。。。。。你不接电话,也照收钱啊。。。。。。。。。。。。。。点击展开...只要别人留言,就收钱?我原来用fido是免费的啊

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail我用过,贵得吓死人。怎么都收钱。你第一次录音,就按分钟收钱别人留言,按分钟收你钱你听留言,无论用座机还是手机听,都收钱。0.25CAD/分钟


回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail是真的么? 用座机大都收钱?这不就是抢么?我用过,贵得吓死人。怎么都收钱。你第一次录音,就按分钟收钱别人留言,按分钟收你钱你听留言,无论用座机还是手机听,都收钱。0.25CAD/分钟点击展开...

13oct08 Torontodealing with dandelion :(回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail在加拿大,一个电信,一个银行,真是黑

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail我用过,贵得吓死人。怎么都收钱。你第一次录音,就按分钟收钱别人留言,按分钟收你钱你听留言,无论用座机还是手机听,都收钱。0.25CAD/分钟点击展开...Mine, Fido pay as you go 20$/M 20c/minute别人留言,按分钟收你钱 Not mine...你听留言,用座机听,收钱。 Not mine...

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mailLocal airtime at the applicable rates will apply to voicemail deposits/retrievals. Long distance and/or roaming fees will also apply to voicemail retrieval as applicable. How much does Pay As You Go Voicemail cost? Description Voicemail cost. Answer There is no monthly charge for Pay As You Go voicemail.For airtime for message deposits, there is no charge when receiving a message from another Pay As You Go customer. However, there is a per minute charge from a Canadian landline phone. Am I charged if someone leaves me a voice mail? Description Pay As You Go charge for leaving a message. Answer Yes. You are charge for each voicemail received at your local airtime rate which varies according to your price plan. Plus you are charged to listen to your voice mail at the local airtime per minute rate. Am I being charged airtime if I retrieve the message left in my mail box? Description Pay As You Go charge for retrieving the message. Answer Yes, any applicable local or long distance charges apply when you retrieve messages from your Pay As You Go voicemail.

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mailrogers的,座机听也会收费。

Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK !回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail能不能带这个号码入fido的pay as you go呢?

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail我给fido客服电话了,用座机收听voicemail不会收fido pay as u go的钱,座机是要收钱的,所以不重要的电话还是让留言,回家用网上电话收听,很省 ;)

13oct08 Torontodealing with dandelion :(回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mailFido has $15/m, 2 years plan now, and free cell....

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mailLocal airtime at the applicable rates will apply to voicemail deposits/retrievals. Long distance and/or roaming fees will also apply to voicemail retrieval as applicable. How much does Pay As You Go Voicemail cost? Description Voicemail cost. Answer There is no monthly charge for Pay As You Go voicemail.For airtime for message deposits, there is no charge when receiving a message from another Pay As You Go customer. However, there is a per minute charge from a Canadian landline phone. Am I charged if someone leaves me a voice mail? Description Pay As You Go charge for leaving a message. Answer Yes. You are charge for each voicemail received at your local airtime rate which varies according to your price plan. Plus you are charged to listen to your voice mail at the local airtime per minute rate. Am I being charged airtime if I retrieve the message left in my mail box? Description Pay As You Go charge for retrieving the message. Answer Yes, any applicable local or long distance charges apply when you retrieve messages from your Pay As You Go voicemail.点击展开...

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mail还有PAY AS YOU GO上网也是贼贵,以前在国内在户外无聊用手机上网花不了几个钱,在这边ROGERS的PAY AS YOU GO第一次拿到手机,想看看能不能上,结果发现嘿嘿也可以,就上了几个,后来一查余额,少了好多钱,比只打电话要贵很多。

回复: [请教]rogers pay as you go的voice mailRogers的人工客服工作时间是什么?

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