加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有人申请TTC的年票MDP?
请问可以中途退出吗? 另外是不是一定要买整1年的,即我从哪个月开始 一直 买到转年的 哪个月?谢谢
回复: 有人申请TTC的年票MDP?我刚刚查了TTC关于MDP的规定, 好像可以中途退出!!!!This agreement is for a 12-month period and will automatically renew on an annual basis thereafter. The TTC guarantees, subject to the provisions of this agreement, that the annual rate and monthly installments in effect at the time the agreement is accepted by the TTC will not be increased during the initial 12-month period. If the customer does not wish the Metropass Discount Plan to be renewed then he/she shall so advise the TTC in writing at least 15 days prior to the next renewal date and, in such event, the Metropass Discount Plan agreement shall terminate on the last day of the month preceding the renewal date.
回复: 有人申请TTC的年票MDP?大家说说,呵呵
回复: 有人申请TTC的年票MDP?我打电话问了, 的确可以中途退出,但需要补上差额,即从使用月份到停止使用月份的没打折卡的差价, 比如1月开始3月退出。 要补上2个月的差价(打折卡和不打折卡)另外必须每月的5号之前申请下个月开始的metropass MDP
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