加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 收到骗子的信
Dear Beloved,I am Mrs.Sheila Johnson the wife of Mr Harold Johnson,my husband workedwith the Chevron/Texaco in Kenya.My Husband died after a brief illness in2001.When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of (9MillionGBP) with a bank. Presently,this money is still with the Bank.My doctor has confirmed to me that i have just few days to live onearth due to my esophageal cancer. Please i am choosing you to receive thismoney on my behalf, and use it to help the less priviledge.Contact me on myprivate e-mail: [email protected]
回复: 收到骗子的信我基本上都不打开不认识的人发的e-mail,免得中毒。
回复: 收到骗子的信我的一个朋友就这个名字,所以我就打开了我基本上都不打开不认识的人发的e-mail,免得中毒。点击展开...
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