加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息招聘Administrative assistant


公司招人,招聘广告如下,有意向的可以PM给我。We are a growing organization that requires an Administrative assistant to join our team. The Position • Title: Administrative Assistant • Full time• Industry: Moving, installation, furniture• Start immediately • Salary: min $12 /hr, based on experience Duties will include but not limited to: •Maintain customer and supplier records in database•Process purchase order, invoices and accounts, and perform basic bookkeeping work•Follow up the project and order•Maintain the library of supplier catalogs and samples•Provide administrative support to the sales team•Research and identify additional prospect opportunities•Manage inbound and outbound inquiries, quotations and project schedule follow-up•Perform general clerical duties to include: photocopying, faxing, scanning, printing, mailing, and filing etc.Required Skills: •Well organized and detail oriented•Good communication skills (verbal & written), Must be excellent command of the English Language•Have advanced MS OFFICE skills and type 50+ WPM•Strong research skills on the Internet•HS Diploma Required •Degree Strongly Preferred•Ideally, has access to a car for doing odd business errands (not frequent, gas will be paid) Location: Kennedy/Steeles.All interested candidates should email their resume and cover letter, and we thank you to all those who apply, but only those qualified will be contacted for an interview.

相约多伦多(总部)QQ群:51870521 暗号“家园论坛”相约多伦多(子女教育)96950334 暗号“家园论坛”多伦多登陆准备及新生活 女儿的学校生活多伦多家具介绍语嫣博客:www.torontomeet.com赞反馈:xinzhou 和 hope2010 2012-02-02#2 北 36,909 $0.00 回复: 招聘Administrative assistantnice lady 能PM JD 么简历发哪儿 谢谢

回复: 招聘Administrative assistantnice lady 能PM JD 么简历发哪儿 谢谢点击展开...JD就是上面写的那些。简历请发[email protected],就在下礼拜会完成招聘。因为是急招。

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