加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明
Harvard Kennedy School student Bo Guagua corresponded with Crimson staff writers Hana N. Rouse and Justin C. Worland on Tuesday via his Kennedy School and Google email accounts and sent The Crimson a statement, which is published verbatim below. To Whom It May Concern: Recently, there has been increasing attention from the press on my private life. As a result of these speculations, I feel responsible to the public to provide an account of the facts. I am deeply concerned about the events surrounding my family, but I have no comments to make regarding the ongoing investigation. It is impossible to address all of the rumours and allegations about myself, but I will state the facts regarding some of the most pertinent claims. Facts: ・ My tuition and living expenses at Harrow School, University of Oxford and Harvard University were funded exclusively by two sources―scholarships earned independently, and my mother’s generosity from the savings she earned from her years as a successful lawyer and writer. ・ My examination records have been solid throughout my schooling years. In the British public examination of GCSEs, which I completed at the age of 16, I achieved 11 ‘A Stars,’ whereas the necessary requirement is no more than 9 and ‘A’ grades are considered good marks. I also earned straight A’s for both AS level and A-level Examinations at the ages of 17 and 18, respectively. ・ At the University of Oxford, I studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics. I was a ‘tripartite’, being enrolled in all three subjects, rather than dropping one in the second year, as is the norm. Upon graduating, I earned a 2:1 degree (Second Class, First Honours) overall and achieved a First in Philosophy. ・ During my time at Oxford, it is true that I participated in ‘Bops,’ a type of common Oxford social event, many of which are themed. These events are a regular feature of social life at Oxford and most students take part in these college-wide activities. ・ Like many other university students, I also devoted time and energy to extra-curricular activities. For example, I debated in the Oxford Union and served as president of the Politics, Philosophy and Economics Society. These extra-curricular activities enabled me to broaden my perspective, serve the student community, and experience all that Oxford has to offer. I am proud to have been the first mainland Chinese student to be elected to the Standing Committee of the Oxford Union, and I truly value the close friendships I formed with my fellow students. ・ I have never lent my name to nor participated in any for-profit business or venture, in China or abroad. However, I have been involved in developing a not-for-profit social networking website in China, the aim of which is to assist NGOs in raising awareness of their social missions and connecting with volunteers. This initiative has been based out of the Harvard Innovation Lab, with the participation of fellow students and friends. The project remains in the development stage and is not live. ・ I have never driven a Ferrari. I have also not been to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing since 1998 (when I obtained a previous U.S. Visa), nor have I ever been to the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence in China. Even my student Visas were issued by the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu, which is closer to my home of five years. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank my teachers, friends and classmates for their support during this difficult time. In particular, I wish to thank the Harvard Kennedy School for the support it has extended to me as a member of its community. I understand that at the present, the public interest in my life has not diminished. However, I wholeheartedly request that members of the press kindly refrain from intruding into the lives of my teachers, friends and classmates. Faithfully, Guagua Bo
早起的虫子被鸟吃回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明有没有一个新浪版?也许,没必要跟中国人说话, 跟哈佛人解释一下就够了,
回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明出来混,总是要......
回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明看不懂英文说得越多,河蟹处理的可能性越小
原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明Facts是很容易验证的。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明莫非英国记者说谎?!!
回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明薄周都要出事?薄谷开来已经承认杀人了,因为有证据。死者的一小块肉。
男人天生有把柄,女人天生有漏洞。坏人总是利用女人的漏洞,去抓男人的把柄。回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明事实陈述:1,我这些年在哈罗公学、牛津大学和哈佛大学的所有学费和生活费,全部来自独立奖学金和母亲的资助,母亲的资助来自于她这些年作为律师和作家的收入。
早起的虫子被鸟吃回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明有人不是说他牛津没有毕业吗?到底毕业了没?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明2,我这些年的学业是不可质疑的。我16岁就完成了英国的GCSE公共考试,取得了11个A的骄人成绩。通常来说,这个考试能拿到9个A就是凤毛麟角了(A表示成绩合格)。在17岁和18岁时,我也通过了相应的AS级和A级的所有考试。
早起的虫子被鸟吃回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明是啊, 但是不是有英国报纸说他没毕业么?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明没有时间翻译后面的了,网上找到了别人的翻译。 3,在牛津大学,我学习了政治,哲学和经济学。 我是个”三科主修生“-也就是同时注册了三门主修专向的学生。而牛津学生的常例,多在第二年放弃至少一门主修。 在毕业时,我获得的学位是二专一荣性质的。我在哲学专修中的成绩是甲等。 4,我在牛津期间的确参加过该校名为BOPS的社会活动。此类活动在牛津经常举行,且常常带有主题。 对于牛津大学来说,它的多数学生常参加此类全学院范围的活动。这些活动也是牛津学生正常社会生活的一部分。
早起的虫子被鸟吃回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明5,正如许多其它牛津的学生一样,我也将时间和精力用在课外活动上。 比如,我参加了牛津学联的辩论并一度担任过政治经济与哲学讨论会的会长。 这些课外活动让我在体验牛津之余开阔了视野,并让我能更好地为学生社会服务。 6,我为自己作为第一名中国大陆学生被选入牛津学联常务委员会而自豪,我也珍惜我和同学们建立起来的友谊。 7,我从未以个人名义或让别人以我之名参加过任何中国或国外以商业利润为目的的公司或活动。反之,我参与策划过中国的一个非盈利公益性质的网站。该网站旨在帮助社团增强社会责任并为自愿者牵线搭桥。这个项目是哈佛学生和朋友参加,并受到哈佛创新实验室知道的。该项目到现在也只在研发中,没有真正建立起来并运行。
早起的虫子被鸟吃回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明Mr Bo was later suspended from the university for a year, and lived in Oxford’s Randolph Hotel before moving into a flat which was said by a student newspaper to feature “taps of gold, a concierge and a small vineyard”.He sat finals without any teaching, and surprised friends by gaining a 2.1. Mr Bo had “spectacular, wonderful” references from Harrow, but a contemporary said tutors would “speak quite openly about their disdain for him”. Balliol refused to give a reference to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, where Mr Bo is studying for a masters in public policy.
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明8,我从来没有开过法拉利。自1998年以后,我也没有再去过美国在北京的大使馆 (1998年我从该馆取得我过去的签证)。我从未去过美国大使在中国的住所。我现在的学生签证是从美国成都领馆签证的。(翻译者:薄瓜瓜末句英文有错。按照薄熙来5年重庆主政来猜测,下一句的意思当为:)因为成都领馆在过去五年里面离我的家更近。
早起的虫子被鸟吃回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明看来脑瓜还好使,有老师教的时候不及格,没有人教的时候到能考及格。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明如果这封信是瓜瓜同学自己写的,那至少他的英文真的很好啊,相当工整。
我曾经来过。2011短登记录 - 2012短登记录 - 中登进行时回复: 转帖:薄瓜瓜在哈佛学报发表声明人做天看
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