加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息阿岗昆看枫叶回来 超速 被抓 请支招
在回来的路上有一段限速90 开115, 被抓了, 给我一张罚单54, 说不扣分。 如果交钱会不会影响保险? 如果要求上庭可行吗
回复: 阿岗昆看枫叶回来 超速 被抓 请支招54块就交了吧。
回复: 阿岗昆看枫叶回来 超速 被抓 请支招说不扣分点击展开...但还会留下记录,成为保险公司要挟涨价的把柄
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________回复: 阿岗昆看枫叶回来 超速 被抓 请支招晕倒。标90的路,大家都是超速开的呀。115在404上太稀松平常啦。难道你不是在高速上开?话说,54真不多哈!警察对你不错。保险高了就换一家好了。
回复: 阿岗昆看枫叶回来 超速 被抓 请支招TMD, I got a ticket yesterday on my way home from Algonquin park too! Driving on ramp and merging into high way 11, I thought it was 100 limit so I accelerated up to 107km/hr as I usually do. The sneaky cop was waiting literally right at the end of ramp! (I noticed there was an 80 removable sign later, but it was way passed where cop hid). Pulled over immediately as soon as I saw the light starting to flash and thought I could get an exemption with so 'active cooperation' plus it was my first time for 8 yrs driving. No mercy at all...131.31 dollars for driving 107 on 80 limit, demerit was not written but I am sure it is 3 points and that is what I care about. I said to his face I was going to fight for it in court, even though it is 300+ km one way to get to the court from where I live! for some reason I cannot input Chinese characters on my PC so this becomes I think my first English thread.
回复: 阿岗昆看枫叶回来 超速 被抓 请支招能上庭打掉是最好,打不掉就有记录,涨不涨保险就看你保险公司了
不知道签些啥子,所以就签了这个回复: 阿岗昆看枫叶回来 超速 被抓 请支招看来要小心了。。。
回复: 阿岗昆看枫叶回来 超速 被抓 请支招90的路俺开160去阿岗昆,为了给车拉高速
USANA直营-flycafe回复: 阿岗昆看枫叶回来 超速 被抓 请支招54是小数, 但是就怕 被记录了, 之前老婆撞车报了保险, 现在都300多一个月了。 再给TICKET记录 怕涨疯掉了。
回复: 阿岗昆看枫叶回来 超速 被抓 请支招不打掉会留记录的
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