暑期短登时TD信用卡消费的钱,我都还清了,刚才突然想再通过网银看一下我的账户情况,惊讶地发现信用卡居然还有5.54刀没还清,是retail interest。这是什么钱?是我在零售商店刷卡消费,因为钱是后来还的,期间产生的利息吗?
我曾经来过。2011短登记录 - 2012短登记录 - 中登进行时回复: 请问信用卡收取的retail interest是啥东东?call TD to find out. if you paid full amount before due date, there should not be any interest charge. TD Visa should have collect call service .
回复: 请问信用卡收取的retail interest是啥东东?call TD to find out. if you paid full amount before due date, there should not be any interest charge. TD Visa should have collect call service .点击展开...Many thanks! Yeah, I did that just now (had to listen to music for about 10 minutes though
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