加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[评论]儿子问:娶啥样的太太好?我答:像你妈妈
新闻:《儿子问:娶啥样的太太好?我答:像你妈妈就行》的相关评论八月六日是我与太太认识三十年,结婚二十五年的日子。没有其他庆祝,应太太的暗示,写下这段文字作为补偿。希望让它伴随我们渡过另二十五年-在金婚的日子里再启封吧。 不知道那位讲过点击展开...好!
钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore 赏 反馈:Julie.Q 2013-09-06#2 418 $0.00 回复: [评论]儿子问:娶啥样的太太好?我答:像你妈妈就行很好!“关键是演这出大戏的二个主角-太太与我,都在用我们的本性与本能扮演着我们该扮演的角色并兢兢业业很少越位。”这样才更幸福。
回复: [评论]儿子问:娶啥样的太太好?我答:像你妈妈就行A newlywed couple moves into their new house. One day the husband comes home from work and his wife says, "Honey, you know, in the upstairs bathroom one of the pipes is leaking, could you fix it?" The husband says, "What do I look like, Mr. Plumber?" A few days go by, and he comes home from work and his wife says, "Honey, the car won't start. I think it needs a new battery. Could you change it for me?" He says: "What do I look like, Mr. Goodwrench?" Another few days go by, and it's raining pretty hard. The wife finds a leak in the roof. She says, "Honey, there's a leak on the roof! Can you please fix it?"He says, "What do I look like, Bob Vila?" The next day the husband comes home, and the roof is fixed. So is the plumbing. So is the car. He asks his wife what happened. "Oh, I had a handyman come in and fix them," she says. "Great! How much is that going to cost me?" he snarls. Wife says: "Nothing. He said he'd do it for free if I either baked him a cake or slept with him." "Uh, well, what kind of cake did you make?" asks the husband. "What do I look like," she says, "Betty Crocker?"
回复: [评论]儿子问:娶啥样的太太好?我答:像你妈妈就行我觉得这样引导孩子会造成男孩子恋母吧?
回复: [评论]儿子问:娶啥样的太太好?我答:像你妈妈就行哈哈,我儿子正相反,声明不找我这样的
回复: [评论]儿子问:娶啥样的太太好?我答:像你妈妈就行应该是感觉自己的妻子好,对妻子满意!才会说希望儿子找他老婆这样的!要不然可能会说,千万别找你妈这样的!
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