加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息We invite you to predict when China’s economy will overtake


http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2013/11/chinese-and-american-gdp-forecasts In December 2010 we introduced an interactive chart that allows you to make your own prediction of when China's economy will overtake America's. There are a variety of ways to compare economies. Our chart looks at their GDP in current dollars at market exchange rates. The timing of America's economic eclipse thus depends on five things: its own growth, China's growth, the evolution of prices in each country, and the exchange rate between them. If, for example, China's prices rise faster than America's, and its currency, the yuan, does not fall, then China's economy will be worth more, relative to America's, and it will overtake sooner.

回复: We invite you to predict when China’s economy will overtake America’sA reasonable supply Those who argue that China’s investment binge is unsustainable are overstating their caseTO BECOME rich, poor countries must enlarge their productive powers, mobilising workers, absorbing new technology and accumulating capital. They must expand what economists call the “supply side” of the economy, which determines how much a country can produce, and therefore how much it can earn and spend.

回复: We invite you to predict when China’s economy will overtake America’sWhatever its flaws, the development of China’s supply side is undoubtedly impressive. It boasts an industrious, mobile workforce, ingenious entrepreneurs eager to absorb new tricks and serviceable, even occasionally lavish, infrastructure. The demand side of its economy, if China’s critics are to be believed, is more precarious. But it is hard to think of a developing economy that has been held back for long by a shortage of demand.

回复: We invite you to predict when China’s economy will overtake America’s有空喝杯茶,少扯淡

大多数同胞逻辑不是一般的差,与其讲道理完全提不起兴趣,只能无视回复: We invite you to predict when China’s economy will overtake America’s不明觉厉

回复: We invite you to predict when China’s economy will overtake America’s不明觉厉点击展开... 现在小青年找对象, 手里必须拿一本economist, 就跟以前的大众电影一样.

回复: We invite you to predict when China’s economy will overtake America’s以中国人的智慧和勤劳,超英赶美根本不是问题,但另一条短腿要尽快补上。

在熟悉的异乡 我将自己一年年流放穿过鲜花 走过荆棘 只为自由之地想要带上你私奔 奔向最遥远城镇。。。回复: We invite you to predict when China’s economy will overtake America’s经济总量赶超美国应该是没有悬念的,当然人均财富,贫富差距,还有经济活动的质量效率,以及楼上说的另一条短腿的确还需要时间。

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